Jatt: Off-Screen Hookup Pt. 3

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*throughout Josh's pregnancy*

1. Josh invited Matt over to his house where they did an Instagram live to announce their relationship and the pregnancy. Even though, Josh was really nervous, but Matt helped him gather up some courage. The two boys took some time to explain the details about themselves being together and the fact they were expecting a baby but in a subtle way possible.

2. The next day after their live video, Josh and Matt read the news about their announcements and it was some happy news they had ever received. They saw a few photos from their live video, including the one that was captured of when Josh was holding up his ultrasound picture from his 12-week checkup. Then they have been getting messages and tweets from their fans, wishing them well and there were certain ones who apologized to Josh about the mean and nasty things they said to him and/or about him with the stuff between him and Olivia before she cleared everything up. Although, there were a few odd ones that kept sending out more hate, but Josh dodged it with help from Matt and their loved ones.

3. Josh had been feeling movements the baby had been making inside his stomach when he reached to his fifth month. When he was at 21 weeks, Matt wanted to find out the gender, but Josh talked him out of it because he wanted it to be a surprise. A while later, Josh felt the baby kicking inside his womb whenever it could hear a voice or two. Josh would often post pictures of himself and his baby belly on his social media, including some of the ones posing with Matt and the others with their families and friends.

4. Josh recently asked Matt to move in with him and then he moved out of his house, so they would stay together and raise the baby. They turned a guest room into a nursery for their future child. They had the walls painted up with wallpaper on bottom parts, the crib was built and had a mobile hanging above it, the baby clothes were picked out since they were still waiting to be surprised by the gender, and the diapers, toys and everything else was set.

Bonus: These last months were an amazing, beautiful adventure, Although, Josh was very nervous about giving birth as his due date was approaching. But he still got Matt on his side, and their baby was becoming lucky to have two great fathers to love.
*Josh's labor*

The show's filming was put on hiatus until Josh would be back after taking some time off to be at home with the baby. And his music was promoted fantastically, but he was disappointed for not getting a concert tour booked this year, because he wouldn't have been performing with his baby bump growing day by day. So Josh was at home, resting in bed while Matt was out grocery shopping.

Josh was reading one of his books as he had one hand holding the book and the other resting on his bump. His reading was interrupted when he felt a jolt in his stomach as he quickly sat up and hissed in pain.

"Hey, little one. You okay in there?" Josh talked to his bump.

He moved on his side of the bed and adjusted his body off of there when his feet were set to the floor before he felt another jolt.

"Wow, you're a strong kicker today, aren't you? I bet you really want out of in there. Well, don't you worry, because-- Ooh!"

Josh was cut off when he felt a sharper pain, and it had gotten stronger when he slowly landed on his knees to the floor.

"Oh, this is not good!" he groaned before he let out a breath.

Yep, Josh was going into labor. He started to feel contractions about a few minutes apart on each, and he was trying to get himself back up as he grabbed onto the edge of the bed while holding onto his belly.

"Okay, okay. Stay calm, Josh. Matt should be back any minute now. If not, just give him a call," Josh told himself.

He laid himself back on the bed and began doing some deep breathing whenever he felt a contraction.
*10 minutes later*

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