RJ Caswen: I Won't Give Up Pt. 3

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Part two of Ricki and EJ's baby journey.

Ricki and EJ were filled with confidence on their way to rehearsals after school the next day. They were on the side outside of the room where the other theatre kids were gathering around.

"Are you ready to tell them?" EJ asked.

Ricki looked up at EJ.

"It's now or never," Ricki said.

They both entered the room and went up to Miss Jenn.

"Ricki, EJ, welcome back, you guys!" Miss Jenn said.

"Thanks, Miss Jenn. Hey, before we start rehearsals, may we have the floor for a moment? EJ and I talked it over yesterday, and we thought now would be a good time to tell everyone about our news," Ricki asked.

"Oh, of course," Miss Jenn nodded.

"Okay, everyone. Before we start today, Ricki and EJ have something to tell you," Miss Jenn told the theatre kids.

Everybody was all ears as Miss Jenn gestured Ricki and EJ to have the floor. Even though, they were both nervous.

"Thank you, Miss Jenn. Okay, um... Everybody, as some of you may know, I was nauseated for a little while. But the reason for that is because... is because, uh..."

Ricki paused herself when she was getting a little discouraged, but she looked up at EJ who put a hand on her shoulder.

"You can do this. I believe in you," EJ whispered very softly.

Ricki let out a relaxation sigh and EJ's hand before looking back at everyone, though she had a fearful look on her face.

"EJ and I are gonna have a baby," Ricki announced.

And suddenly, it was quiet as everyone was confused on what Ricki was talking about.

"What do you both mean you're gonna have a baby?" Carlos questioned.

"Are... Are you pregnant?" Seb asked out of curiosity.

"Yes," Ricky nodded nervously.

"And just to let everyone know, we're both very happy about it since she told me," EJ said as he wrapped an arm around Ricki.

"And I was there with Ricki when we found out she was pregnant," Nini stepped in.

"And me," Gina joined in.

"Ricki told me," Big Red went next.

"And EJ with me," Ashlyn added.

"And they came to me and talked about it," Miss Jenn went in last.

"We actually wanna show you guys the sonogram from yesterday when we got to hear the baby's heartbeat," Ricki held up her sonogram.

Then everyone came up to see and went into an awe.

"Ooh, it's so cute!" Kourtney squealed.

Everyone was so excited for Ricki and EJ as they congratulated the couple.

"And there's one thing we like to add on," Ricki said as everyone simmered down.

"After opening night in a few weeks, with the baby on the way, it's going to be hard as I'm going to have to quit theatre next semester."

The excitement died down as everybody's faces dropped.

"And I'm gonna be quitting too, because I wanna be there for Ricki throughout the entire thing when she needs my help," EJ said.

Then Ricki started to get emotional as tears were forming in her eyes.

"But we both want to let everybody know that we've been so grateful to become a part of the theatre group, and on what it's been like to be a part of the team as we all have been working together. And that's what made us feel special, just like each and every one of you. You guys are all like my family, and I will forever cherish the days we have shared. Even when we can't be in this exact room, and even the auditorium, anymore, EJ and I will be there to cheer you guys on in the audience."

HSMTMTS: RJ Caswen/Jatt Mpreg Oneshots/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now