RJ Caswen: Never Grow Up: Introduction (Ellie's POV)

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Summary: Elena Rae "Ellie" Caswen is the daughter of Ricky and EJ Caswen. She's a senior in high school. But just when her year is about to be great, something consequential is about to become difficult as she faces what challenges her: She is pregnant. When Ellie tells her dads about the baby, Ricky turns away from his only daughter for being pregnant. After being kicked out of the house and breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, Ellie figures out what to do with the baby and her life in the future. Meanwhile, Ricky then regrets it not long after and realizing how much his daughter means to him. He talks to EJ about he misses her as he faces his fear of losing his little girl.

Will Ellie take responsibility of becoming a mother at a young age just as she's about to graduate high school? Will Ricky receive forgiveness and accept her mistake?

Side-Note: Though any one of them can be referred to as Dad, Daddy R. and Daddy E. are parent nicknames for Ricky and EJ whenever Ellie refers her dads as while her brothers are only referring them as Papa R. and Papa E..

Title based on the song by Taylor Swift.
My name is Elena Rae Caswen. Ellie for short. I turned seventeen over the summer, I'm a senior at East High, and this is my story.

My fathers are Ricky and EJ Caswen, and they once told me their story about their love life, which was my favorite story. They met in high school, and they went from enemies to friends, and later on in life, to lovers. I actually really hate how people use that word these days. Anyway, way back before my dads got together, Daddy R. used to date my Aunt Nini, and Daddy E. did the same with my Aunt Gina, but they were not meant to be with either of them. My dads had a special connection that they did not realize about yet. After Daddy E. graduated, he went off to college as he kept in touch with Daddy R., who was still in high school at the time. After Daddy R. also graduated and Daddy E. came home from college, during that one summer, it was all meant to be.

And it's been just like how the same thing happened with my favorite aunts, Nini and Gina, who both live in Los Angeles, pursuing their careers. Aunt Nini is a singer/songwriter and Aunt Gina is a movie actress. Not to forget about my uncles, Carlos and Seb, who are both living their dreams in the business of Broadway in New York, and then, there's my other, yet most favorite aunt, Auntie Ashlyn along with Aunt Maddox after Auntie Ash used to date my favorite uncle Big Red, even some time before he got together with Uncle Andy, who, like what Uncle Big Red had told me in one of his stories, was a method actor when he pretended to be French and going under the name Antoine. And same thing about being love with one another went on around Aunt Kourtney, Uncle Jet and Aunt Emmy with any of their loved ones.

Okay, enough about my aunts and uncles and their personal love lives. Back to my dads now.

My dads were remained together during their lives in college, even when they were both a year apart. After Daddy R. graduated, Daddy E. asked him to marry him. About a year and a half later, they got married. And then shortly after, as my dads explained to me in their story, which I found quite confusing but then I understood, Daddy R. miraculously got pregnant with me, and he and Daddy E were so excited. When they found out I was a girl, Daddy R. was worried about the memories of his mom, who was my Grandma Lynne from when she divorced my Grandpa Mike. But Daddy E. told Daddy R. to not let the whole thing about Grandma Lynne get to him. And the rest of his pregnancy went smoothly until I was welcomed in open arms. And that was when my dads gave the best name any girl could have: Elena Rae Caswen.

As time passed on, I grew up in Salt Lake, just like how my dads and their friends had been. I have been living in a nice house with my dads, and my two younger brothers, Samuel Hayden "Sam", age 10, and Riah Michael "Mikey" age 12. (His first name was after my dads when they combined their names, Richard and Elijah, into one. However, my aunts and uncles were not exactly a fan of the first name, and neither was I. But then, they gave him a middle name after Grandpa Mike, and we have called him by his nickname, Mikey, since then. My dads could only use his full name whenever he gets into trouble.) I have a best friend, Paige, whom I have been inseparable with since kindergarten, and a great boyfriend of two years, Derek, since my sophomore year.

My final year of my high school life was going to be amazing as it went off to a great start at first, but then my plans for it were about to fall apart as I experienced something I never expect for it to happen so sudden:

I was pregnant.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for part 1!

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