RJ Caswen: Written In Your Heart Pt. 1

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Summary: Ricky and EJ are getting married, but Ricky gets an unexpecting surprise when he finds out for himself: he is pregnant. He tells EJ a month before the wedding, and they both got excited about how they are about to become dads, but they agreed to wait until they tell everyone. Ricky and EJ a could not be more excited about starting the next chapter of their lives. Well, two actually.

Notes: This is gonna be split into parts individually.

Title based on the song from one of my favorite movies from my childhood, Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper.

Ricky Bowen and EJ Caswell had been happily in love for years.

Back in high school, Ricky and EJ were enemies at first when EJ was dating Ricky's ex-girlfriend, Nini until she broke up with him and got back together with Ricky in-between the times. But at some point, Ricky and EJ then started to become friends. However, EJ started to develop possible feelings for Ricky after the opening night of HSM, but he was not as certain yet. EJ thought he still be liking girls, but then, he also started to like boys too. So, he found out for himself he was bisexual not long after he graduated high school. EJ told his parents about his sexuality, but it was difficult when his father, Cash, could not accept his son for who he was. So, EJ spent his summer staying at his cousin, Ashlyn's until he left for college. He applied to the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television in Los Angeles, which is part of UCLA where he could study on being an actor after he enjoyed his times in theater at East High.

Meanwhile, Ricky and Nini broke up for the final time and for good, and he then started dating Gina but did not last long either. And then, Ricky started to realize that he, like EJ, was also bisexual himself. He came out bi to his parents perspectively since their divorce and told them he had feelings for EJ the whole time, and they both loved him very much no matter what would happen. After he graduated from high school, Ricky finally confessed his feelings to EJ who came home from college that summer and then confessed that he felt the same way, and they officially got together.

They spent their summer as a couple, and when EJ asked Ricky what college he applied to, Ricky announced he was attending to California College of Music in Pasadena, which should not take as long for them from each other's schools if either of them drove by car. EJ was pleased on how they could make their relationship work while they could be close to each other. By the end of summer, Ricky drove in his car as he followed EJ to LA. In between the times of their college years, Ricky and EJ took the next step by moving into their first apartment together. 

Years later, Ricky became a successful musician for his career as he released hit singles and albums, selling out concerts on tours, and winning out music awards, including a couple of Grammys. As for EJ, his career as an actor was incredible and an amazing opportunity he had ever gotten. He went from having supporting roles in plays to lead roles, small roles to big roles in tv shows and movies, and winning awards, including a Tony, an Oscar, an Emmy and a Golden Globe. Throughout their relationship, Ricky and EJ were lucky boyfriends to have supported each other on their careers. They even bought a house together and adopted a dog named Rufus.

 After everything they had been through as a team, they were ready for the next step they thought of when they were talking about their future together... settling down to have a family.
*RJ proposal*

Ricky was pulling up in the driveway of the house after he had a long day at the recording studio, working on his new song. Then he walked inside, wondering where EJ was.

"EJ?" Ricky called to his boyfriend.

No answer.

"Eej?" Ricky called again.

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