RJ Caswen: Written In Your Heart Pt. 2

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*one month later*

It had been a month since Ricky told EJ about his pregnancy and they were filled with excitement and joy about becoming dads. However, they remained to keep the pregnancy a secret until after their wedding. A few days after Ricky told EJ, they had told their parents the news, and they got all excited about becoming grandparents. Then the two fiances told a few other people that they had been so close to their whole lives: Nini, Gina, Big Red and Ashlyn. But in perspective times, Ricky and EJ told their parents and friends to not to say a word until some time after their wedding.

Ricky and EJ had sent out their wedding invitations and they gotten as much close people who R.S.V.P.'d the last minute. Ricky's mom, Lynne, told her son she was going to fly into Salt Lake, so she and Mike could fly out to California together since they wanted to be there for him and all. A while back, Ricky and EJ had asked Miss Jenn to officiate their wedding, which she was honored to do, and they hired Mr. Mazzara to be their wedding planner, and he agreed. Meanwhile, Ricky and EJ picked their friends as Best Men and Best Women in the wedding: Nini, Gina, Big Red, Ashlyn, Kourtney, Carlos, Seb, Maddox, Jet, Antoine, also known as Andy, (who was also Big Red's plus one for the wedding) and Emmy, who agreed to sing during the ceremony when she was asked to. 

When early June came, Ricky and EJ picked up Nini and Gina as the four drove up together to Huntington Beach where they met up with their friends and Ricky and EJ's families at the hotel. During the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding, some of the guests were a little suspicious on Ricky was not drinking any champagne or any other alcohol, and he would come up with an excuse, because he didn't want anyone to find out about the pregnancy when he wasn't ready to tell them yet. After the dinner rehearsal, the fiances call it a night and went to their hotel room where they could get some alone time.

In between the times, Ricky was starting to feel the pressure that was getting to him as he tried to hold onto the secret, but EJ would tell him to relax and that everything was going to be perfect for the two. As they were about to become husbands, nothing could ever ruin their big day.
*RJ wedding day*

The sun in the morning daylight was shining as EJ was awakening with eyes slowly opening. He looked over at Ricky who was sleeping peacefully, and he smiled before he started to put his hand onto Ricky's chest. Then he snuck up to press small kisses from his shoulder, then to his neck, and onto the side of his face. Ricky laughed a bit in his sleep before he moved his head and slowly opened his eyes to see EJ and smiled.

"Hi," Ricky greeted his fiance softly.

"Hi," EJ said.

They went in for a kiss and cuddled for a moment.

"How are you feeling?" EJ asked.

"I'm feeling great, and so is Baby Caswen," Ricky responded as he touched his stomach.

Ricky was now two months along and he had given his and EJ's unborn child a nickname, which was about to be their married name after they get to be pronounced as husbands soon. 

"So, you're not feeling nauseous again?" EJ asked again.

"Well, no. I mean, I was before only because I was nervous about our wedding, but as long as our little one is cooperating in there, I'll be fine," Ricky told him.

"Okay, then," EJ replied.

Then he smirked as he looked at Ricky.

"What?" Ricky chuckled a bit.

"Nothing. I just love taking a good look on that beautiful face of yours," EJ said before he crawled up and got in the front of Ricky on top.

"Ooh, EJ!" Ricky said passionately.

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