RJ Caswen: My Heart Will Go On Pt. 2

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(Where we left off)

Ricky was about to find out why EJ came to see him.

"I'm sorry for coming by unannounced," EJ said.

"Oh no, it's okay. Come on in," Ricky invited EJ inside to get out of the rain.

"Hey Mikey, Olive, look who's here," Ricky showed his kids to EJ.

"EJ!" Mikey and Olive yelled excitedly.

Then the twins went up to hug EJ.

"Hi guys!" EJ hugged the twins.

Ricky went to get a towel for EJ to dry off, and came back a few moments later.

"Here," Ricky handed the towel.

"Thanks," EJ accepted the towel and dried his hair that was as slick before wrapping it around himself over his shoulders to the upper waist.

"So, what's up?" Ricky asked.

"Um, I'm sorry I was a little out of touch for a little while since the last time I visited you. I should've called you first, but then I thought that maybe seeing you in person was actually a better idea," EJ explained himself.

"Oh. Well, I'm actually glad you came by, because I really think we should talk," Ricky said.

"Yeah. Okay," EJ nodded.

"Hey kids, why don't you go watch some tv while Daddy has a little chat with EJ?" Ricky recommended to the kids.

"Yes, Daddy./Okay, Dadda," Mikey and Olive replied to their father.

The twins went on the couch, and Ricky turned on the tv and put on VeggieTales for the kids to watch before he and EJ went upstairs. When they got to the bedroom, Ricky shut the door gently behind him, so he wouldn't let the kids hear anything from upstairs. Then he turned to face EJ as they sat on the front edge of the bed.

"EJ?/Ricky?" Ricky and EJ said each other's names at the same time and chuckled a bit.

"Sorry. Do you wanna go first?" Ricky asked.

"As long as you're okay with that," EJ answered.

"Okay," Ricky responded.

EJ took a deep breath to get it all out before he started to speak.

"So for a while, I've felt so confused with myself when I got back to New York. And then, I took a couple "Are You Gay?" quizzes online without Lily knowing, and when I got the results, they said that I could be bisexual. I almost wasn't as sure about it, but I watched some YouTube videos about people explaining bisexuality. And not long after, it started to process on how I've always been that way without even noticing. And that also made me realize that I was... No, actually, I'm in love with you, Ricky."

Ricky was taken by surprise.

"I've always been in love with you. I wish I could've realized that, even back when we were in high school. Because even if it was like that, then I could've been with you. I thought I'd still be liking girls just to impressed my parents, especially my dad when all he wanted for me was to keep my life in balance as he was doing what was best for me. But then, I also started to like guys as well after we... you know... kissed. It took me a lot to figure out on who I was, and whom I always have been without knowing until between then and now. And if there's a chance, I want to be with you, and only you, Ricky. And it's all I could ask for."

When EJ finished part of his story, Ricky was pleased to hear what he just heard. But there was one other thing he needed to know.

"But what about Lily?" he questioned.

HSMTMTS: RJ Caswen/Jatt Mpreg Oneshots/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now