RJ Caswen: Prom Night, Baby! Pt. 3

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Note: Be aware that there's a small twist in the story when Lily actually did not win prom queen.

EJ, Big Red and Gina ran through the school hallways to search for Ricky until they overheard him sobbing in the boys' bathroom.

"I'll talk to him. You guys stay out here and stand guard, so no one goes in until we're done."

Big Red and Gina nodded at EJ before he went into the boys' room to check in on Ricky.

"Ricky?" EJ called his name.

Ricky turned himself around to see EJ, though his cheeks were rosy red and his eyes were watery and red as he had been crying nonstop.

"Are you okay, Ri?" EJ asked.

"No, I'm not! I shouldn't have come here tonight! I can't believe how I've been so stupid!" Ricky sobbed.

"Hey, come on now. You're not stupid," EJ tried talking to him calmly.

"Yes, I am! I've lied to you, EJ!" Ricky cried.

"What do you mean?" EJ asked.

"Throughout this whole time, I've been lying to you, and I've lied to our friends. I'm not okay. I've never been okay. I've been trying so hard to be okay without Lily getting into my head, but every time she comes around..." Ricky couldn't finished his sentence when he was too choked up.

"It was just a bunch of stupid things she said about you, and those don't really mean anything," EJ tried to tell him.

"Yeah, they do! All the things Lily ever said to me, even out in front of the whole school in the gym, they're all true! Ever since our senior year had begun, everything was going to be perfect for us. But then I winded up being pregnant, and I feared that all we ever planned for was gonna fall apart. And with the weight I've been gaining, I've felt so insecure about myself, and I was afraid of going to school like this, but I've tried to stay as confident while I've been with you. But around the school, there have been some kids, saying some things about me on being the pregnant guy behind my back. And now, where it led me tonight all because of that... that she-devil herself! I'm the whole school's huge joke now! I'm not going back out there! I'm never going back into the gym! And there's no way in hell that I'm showing my face at the entire school ever again! My entire life and future are both screwed!" Ricky yelled.

Ricky broke down so badly as he sobbed very hard, and EJ pulled him in for a hug as he comforted him.

"It's okay, Rick. I got you, baby," EJ whispered.

It only went on for about a few minutes until Ricky stopped crying for a moment and EJ released him from the hug.

"I'm sorry, Eej," Ricky apologized.

"For what?" EJ questioned.

"I know we both wanted this night to be perfect, but lately because of Lily, and whatever the kids were secretly saying behind my back, I've been stressed about going to our last dance of our final high school year tonight. You know, before she embarrassed me, I actually was having a great time with you and the others, and I'm still happy that you've won prom king," Ricky started to smile a bit.

"It was just some silly crown I've won, and I didn't care much for it. But I'm glad that you were having a great time before, and I'm also glad you came with me tonight, along with our friends. Plus, every time I run into one of them out in the hallways or at a class I take with any of them, they ask about you, because everyone misses having you around when you and I used to hang out with them, and even we used to go to rehearsals for school plays and musicals," EJ said.

"Yeah, true that. And to be honest, I really hate Lily," Ricky stated.

"Well, I was super dumb for even dating her in the first place before I met you, so I've deserved that," EJ added.

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