RJ Caswen: Prom Night, Baby!: Epilogue

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Things could not have gotten better in life for Ricky and EJ along with their baby boy, Zac.

The next day after the birth, Ricky's father, Mike, came back to the hospital, along with Ricky's mother, Lynne, who flew in from Chicago the other night, so they could both get to see their grandson. Then EJ's mother, Mrs. Caswell, came for a visit and got him and Ricky a teddy bear for Zac, and then his father, Cash, showed up out of the blue. Cash apologized to EJ for not giving his acceptance for his son's bisexuality as he had a couple of years to think things through after having the talk with his wife, and he wanted to be there for him and his little family like he should have been. And to make it up to him, Cash surprised EJ with his old light blue blanket from when EJ was a baby himself, so he could pass it on to his grandson. EJ found it in his heart to forgive his father after the pain he was going through for a little while, and he and Ricky were both grateful that Cash wanted to be a part of Zac's life.

A week later, Ricky and EJ graduated high school with a few of their friends, and their summer had blossomed as they spent so much time with their son. Summer vacation was filled with endless nights whenever one of them would go comfort Zac as he cried in the middle of the night, like either he needed to be changed or fed, and and sometimes, they would sing to him which he enjoyed like how his dads loved doing that. During other times, their friends spent some of their time bonding over with the little boy until some of them went back East High for their new school years while a few of them left for college by the end of summer vacation as Ricky and EJ stayed back to be there for Zac and attend UU, where they both would be planning to study music, which had always been in their blood.

As time passed on, Ricky and EJ attended classes and worked at several jobs, while they often find someone to babysit Zac, like either Mike whenever he's not as busy, or one of their neighbors, who was a sweet old lady. Their friends could do it sometimes, either one of them would come by after school in the afternoon, or at night when Ricky and EJ wanted to get out of the house for their date night but made sure they got back home on time. Ricky and EJ were managing to keep their lives in balance along with their sweet, perfect, angelic little boy.

A few years later, Ricky and EJ graduated from UU, and then-three-year-old Zac was the proud son of his daddies. EJ got a bachelor's degree, because he wanted to teach music to kids since his interest for that was caught in not long after he and Ricky would sing to their son sometimes. Ricky was offered to start launching a music career by a man who was a record producer from Los Angeles, who also had been producing none other than Ricky's old best friend since childhood, the one and only Nini Salazar-Roberts, whom he was under her recommendation. After talking and figuring out how the next step of the plan on what to do with their lives, Ricky, EJ and Zac moved to L.A., where Ricky was at the beginning of his future music career, all thanks to Nini for helping out by giving him the best opportunity, while EJ had found an opening for a job as a music teacher at (insert name of a school).

In the aftermath, Ricky was a successful music artist as he wrote and recorded the best songs, sold out a few albums and several concerts. For EJ, he was an amazing music teacher for the kids who were taught by him so well, and there was even a few kids in the class who got so much inspiration from him to be musicians themselves. Ricky and EJ got married where they later changed their last names when they combined together into Caswen, and had two more kids, a daughter named Melody Noelle, and another son named Hudson Chase, and a dog named Rusty.

As for their friends:

- Gina graduated from East High a year after Ricky and EJ. By the end of the summer, Gina and (G/G/N) broke up when (G/G/N) told her that she was going away to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for college while Gina was moving to L.A. where her plan was to become an actress. A few years later, she succeeded in a couple of movies she had been. Coincidentally, she ran into Ricky and EJ since after they moved there with their son after they graduated from college. Gina also ran into Nini, and they talked about how Gina's relationship with (G/G/N) didn't last long when they couldn't work it out. In between times, as they were alone, they felt sparks reconnecting to each other's. Gina and Nini got back together, moved in together, took a break from their careers as they settled down and they had a daughter named Stella via surrogacy.

- Carlos and Seb graduated and they stayed in Salt Lake where they both attended to SLCC while Seb wanted to be close to his family's farm. Carlos attended to a dance class because of how much he knew choreography in the drama department at East High and Seb went for acting. After they graduated from SLCC, they both got offers to work on a new broadway musical in New York City, and Carlos followed a little bit into Seb's footsteps for acting since they helped each other cope through tiny stage frights when they were about to go on stage. Some time later in life, Carlos and Seb were the best actors with amazing careers, and they got nominated for awards for their work, which they often later win several. They got married, and just like Ricky, Seb got miraculously pregnant, and he and Carlos had two daughters named Maya and Willow.

- Ashlyn went to (insert name of college) in San Diego where Maddox was attending herself as the two were remained together. They studied music and started co-writing songs together to give to some music producers for recording artists, and then on, they became hits after their writing was brilliant. Ashlyn and Maddox also were recording songs they wrote for each other, of course, and they even shared all of it on the YouTube channel they started together, and it got a bunch of hits. After a while, Ashlyn and Maddox settled down with their family. They adopted two children: a daughter named Kennedy, and a son named Chance, and they also had a dog named Bruno.

- Kourtney and Jet's relationship fizzled out after she graduated high school and left for college. Kourtney would often an appointment with her therapist through video chat online while she would attend to her classes at her school. Meanwhile, she attended to an acting class as she was coping through her anxiety. And with the help and courage from her friends, Kourtney had done about a few plays. Over those years, Kourtney went on succeeding as a theater actress and overcame her fear of her anxiety and stage fright. She then lived in Palm Springs, with her new husband, Colt, and their daughter, Ava. As for Jet, he did not go to college but stayed with his parents for a while as he got several jobs until he moved out and got an apartment with a roommate. Then about a few years later, Jet got a job offer for a warehouse worker at Amazon in Denver, Colorado. It was the best job ever had, and he couldn't be happier. And it was also where he met his wife around town, and they lived together in a nice house with their three kids, all boys.

- After Big Red graduated from East High, he went to Indiana University where he attended to a dance program since he was an amazing tap dancer, and he and Andy handled long distance until he graduated himself and attended to the same college where he would be attending an acting class, so the two would always be together. Big Red was only a year ahead from Andy when he graduated a few years later but stayed around as they rented an apartment together until Andy graduated. Carlos and Seb contacted Big Red and Andy and see if they were interesting in auditioning for the new musical in NYC, which they accepted the offer, and they both shined on stage. After falling in love with the city and being in a bunch a broadway productions, Big Red and Andy lived in a nice house around the neighborhood just a few miles from the city, where they got married and adopted two boys, Jordan and Adam.

- For Emmy, she and (E/B/N) went on again and off again with their relationship in between times while they were in high school and college. And when it was over for the both of them for good, Emmy dated a few other guys, but neither of them worked out for her, and she took a break from dating. Around other times, after she was the last one in the theater group to graduate from East High, she attended to (insert name of college). But things weren't working out for her. So, she reached out to Miss Jenn and talked to her about how she missed the life of theater since after high school. So Miss Jenn had a job opening for an assistant, and Emmy took it. By the time she was in her 20s, Emmy followed Miss Jenn's footsteps and became a teacher for the drama department.

Back to Ricky and EJ, things couldn't have been better for the couple as their lives were successfully managed and their love was as strong as ever after they survived their last year of high school, and they have been surviving with their incredible careers. They were not just any regular people, they were special. Just like their friends, and anyone else out in the world.

Finally finished! Thanks so much for reading this!

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