RJ Caswen: Hold On Pt. 2

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*30 weeks later*

Ricky's pregnancy with the triplets had been too hard for him, but thankfully, EJ had always been by his side to help him through.

1. A few days later, Ricky and EJ told a few family members they were ever so close to throughout the years. They told Ricky's dad Mike about Ricky's pregnancy with triplets. Ricky was terrified about what his dad was going to say, but Mike loved both of the boys very much and that he was always here to help as he was very excited about becoming a grandfather. And a couple days after, Ricky and EJ paid a visit to see EJ's cousin, Ashlyn, and her wife, Maddox, and they told them the news, and they were excited about becoming aunts.

2. A couple weeks after, Ricky's mom, Lynne, showed up to his and EJ's house unannounced after coming all the way from Chicago. She tried to apologize to her son for what she said to him nine years ago, but Ricky was still angry and hurt. Lynne reasoned with her son on how she did some good thinking for a few years and how she missed him dearly when she should've been supportive to him and EJ on their relationship. Then Ricky told her about the pregnancy and explained to his mom about how it happened when he went to the doctors to find out, and Lynne was surprised. But Ricky took her more by surprise as he announced he and EJ were expecting triplets. Lynne was not too eager as she asked Ricky for forgiveness and let her be a part of the babies's lives, and after some thinking, Ricky found it in his heart to give his mom a second chance.

3. When Ricky was at twelve weeks, he and EJ got to hear the babies's heartbeats, which were beautiful little sounds all together. They later Facetimed Nini who was living in L.A. for her music career, and she was in shock when Ricky and EJ showed the sonogram of the triplets, but she was mostly happy for them. And one day when Gina paid a visit from New Zealand where she was filming a movie there, Ricky and EJ told her about Ricky's pregnancy with triplets, and she was thrilled for the both of them. Ricky and EJ got a Facetime call from Big Red and Andy, who were both living in New York, and they announced their engagement when Andy showed off the ring. Ricky and EJ congratulated the couple, and then they announced the pregnancy by showing the same sonogram. And when Ricky told his longtime best friend he was having triplets, Big Red almost fainted, but Andy caught him when he fell. The two sent their wishes to Ricky and EJ, and said how excited they were about meeting their babies. Ricky and EJ told their other friends about the pregnancy with triplets: Kourtney, Seb, Carlos, Jet, Emmy, and their old high school teacher they had been close to since graduating, Miss Jenn.

4. Throughout the rest of the pregnancy, Ricky was almost as scared about showing up to the campus after he had to tell the president of SLCC about it. But deep down, Ricky had to learn how to be brave. He built up his confidence to walk into his classroom to teach a class for a day, and whenever he couldn't play the guitar, he asked one of his students, who had such great talent like him, to give out an observation to the rest of his class. Meanwhile, carrying three babies in his body had been exhausting for him and he almost could not get up out of bed in the morning but he would ask EJ for help. And there was the one day when Ricky was around seven months, he had a breakdown on his body no matter how huge he got, but EJ would always tell him that he was beautiful just the way he was, and it made Ricky feel better.

5. Ricky and EJ had a lot to prepare for the triplets. They moved into a new house where there was bigger space for their babies after they sold their house since EJ was a real estate sales realtor as he sold it to a very nice couple. Ricky and EJ went to do some baby shopping, Mike was there as he helped the boys to build cribs for the babies, and Ashlyn and Maddox visited and helped decorate the nursery, and their friends sent them gifts for their babies since they both did not want to know if they were getting all boys or all girls, or even a little both in either way, as they wanted to be surprised.

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