RJ Caswen: Happy New Year

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Summary: Ricky and EJ are expecting their first child. They host a New Year's get-together with their parents until Ricky goes into labor unexpectingly, and he and EJ get excited with their baby ringing out in the new year. 

Title based on the song by ABBA.
Ricky and EJ have been married for two years, and now, they were expecting their first child. Ricky and EJ had tried to conceive a child since they got married, and on the day Ricky told EJ he was pregnant, they were both thrilled on becoming dads. When they told between friends and family, they were all happy for the two. Ricky and EJ were expecting a baby boy, and they were excited to have a son. After trying to figure out names, Ricky wanted to name his son after his father, Mike, because he and EJ found out that Mike had cancer, and they became a little devastated and didn't know how much time he had left to live.

Holidays came around, and Ricky and EJ's friends were out of town with families of their own until next year, so it was only the two of them and their families for Christmas. 

The two spent Christmas Eve at the Bowen household since Mike and Lynne reconciled and later got remarried (years before Mike found out about his cancer), and they even invited EJ's parents over, and the Caswells invited the Bowens over to their house for Christmas dinner years since EJ and his dad started talking to each other again after the incident between each other while EJ was in high school. For EJ's Christmas present to Ricky, he decorated their son's nursery until he finally finished it, and Ricky was happily surprised and pleased as he and EJ were excited to meet their little boy in a few weeks.

Christmas came and went as New Year's Eve had rolled around, and with their friends out of town until the next day, Ricky and EJ invited their parents over to the house for a get-together they were hosting. They had done some cleaning around the house before the guests could arrive, however EJ would often worry about Ricky being on his feet all the time during his pregnancy, and they also had gotten the snacks when EJ went shopping at the grocery store, Mike and Lynne were bringing over a pizza, and Cash and his wife were bringing over the best bottle of champagne for everyone to have, except for Ricky since he couldn't drink any alcohol while pregnant.

They showered and were dressed nicely. While EJ was downstairs doing last-minute preparation before the parents arrive, Ricky was experiencing a little cramp when he grabbed hold of his rounded stomach. He carefully sat himself down in the front side of the bed. It was probably because of his baby boy being a little active in his belly as he rubbed it.

"Hey there. You doing okay in there, little buddy?" Ricky started talking to the unborn inside him.

His son gave out a little kick.

"Yeah, I know. You wanna get out of there, don't you? Don't you worry, little Mikey. Only a couple more weeks, and then out you go. But for now, your grandmas and grandpas are coming to our little party tonight, so I need you to stay in there a little longer. Can you do that for me and your daddy?"

The baby gave him two more kicks.

"I'll take that as a yes," Ricky chuckled.

Then EJ came upstairs and entered the bedroom.

"Hey," EJ said.

"Hi," Ricky looked up at his husband.

"You okay?" EJ asked.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah," Ricky told him.

"Mikey's being a little active again?" EJ asked.

"Yeah, but I got him to settle down a little," Ricky continued rubbing his stomach.

EJ sat down next to his husband, and put a hand on his stomach where he felt a kick underneath his palm.

"That's our boy in there," EJ smiled.

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