RJ Caswen: My Heart Will Go On

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Summary: After losing his wife in a car crash, Ricky Bowen is a widow to his twins. The one day when Ricky runs into EJ for the first time in a while, he begins to search for his happiness again when he's ready to move on. As Ricky and EJ's romantic relationship goes well, one thing is about to change their lives.

Title based on the song by Celine Dion
Ricky Bowen's life hasn't been that easy now that he's a widowed father of his two-year-old twins, son Michael "Mikey", named after his father, and daughter Olive. Ricky was married to his wife Chloe for about four years, and Ricky's best friend, Nini, is the godmother to his twin children as they have had a close relationship since she came out as a lesbian and now is married to her wife, Gina. And one night while driving home after going out to dinner, Ricky and Chloe got involved into a bad car accident. On one hand, Ricky turned out just fine, but sadly on the other hand, Chloe did not make it. Time was quite devastating for Ricky, even when he and his family and close friends held a funeral for his wife.

A few months into the aftermath from Chloe's funeral, Ricky has gotten as much help he could ever need from his dad, Mike, and sometimes, his mom Lynne who had been living in Chicago since after she and Mike divorced when Ricky was a teenager. Some other times, he would call up one of his friends, even either Nini and Gina, or his other best friend since his childhood, Big Red, to watch his kids until he got home from work. As time passed, Ricky was feeling quite happy while he kept his life in balance, but there was one thing he had lost as he's been afraid of trying to find again since his wife's death: a love life. He was scared of moving on, but it was until something in his life was about to change forever.
*in New York*

It started out in October where the weather was cooled down and when Ricky, Nini, and Gina were taking a trip to New York for the week as planned as the three needed some time to get away from their kids. Ricky asked Mike to watch Mikey and Olive for the weekend since they adored their grandfather very much, and in L.A. where Nini and Gina were living in since their careers succeeded so much, they asked Nini's moms to watch their four-year-old son, Mateo. When they got to NYC, they booked separate hotel rooms since Nini and Gina would often have their privacy and Ricky, even though he has loved and adored his best gal pals, wouldn't want to be involved around their love life. Ricky, Nini and Gina ran into their old friends from high school, Carlos and Seb who had been living in NYC together since after they graduated, where they also got married and had a daughter, Luciana.

The week was going swell as the five friends went around the city, did some shopping, grabbed dinner at one of the greatest restaurants, and saw a couple of broadway shows. It was coming to an end as Ricky, Nini and Gina were spending their last day in the Big Apple before they all head back home. On a Saturday morning, Nini and Gina asked Ricky to get them their coffees as he was getting his when they found a coffee shop that was a few blocks from the hotel. Ricky ordered the coffees, and a second after he gave the barista his name of the order, a voice came out of nowhere by surprise.

"Ricky Bowen?"

Ricky's eyes scanned around to see who was calling by his name until from across, he found an old friend from high school, whom he had not seen as much while he was living his life in New York: EJ Caswell.


They smiled at each other as Ricky moved right along in the line, and went straight up to EJ.

"Hi," Ricky said.

"Hi," EJ said.

Then the two hugged it out.

"It's so great to be running into you again after a little while," EJ said.

"Yeah, long time, no see," Ricky told him.

They both sat down where EJ had been drinking his coffee while Ricky waited on his order.

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