RJ Caswen: Never Grow Up Pt. 1

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Note: Ellie finds out and tells her dads.
Ellie's POV
*how it happened*

I honestly couldn't believe this was happening.

Over the summer, I did recall the one time when Derek invited me over while his parents were out of town and he had the house to himself, and we went into his bedroom where we did it. And by "it", I meant having sex. It's actually weird to think of saying it. And at that point, I thought we were gonna use protection, and then yet, we didn't use it. I was scared about doing it, but then I felt okay after.

It had been a few weeks since my senior year started, and then I was feeling sick for a couple of days. I almost couldn't figure out why until I realized that my period was late. So, I talked to Paige not after I told her about the thing between me and Derek, and she asked me if I was pregnant, but I couldn't tell for sure. So one day, as I drove us home from school, we stopped at a pharmacy where we bought a pregnancy test. As I dropped off Paige at home, she reminded me to call her later.

When I got home, as I watched my brothers until my dads come home from work, I took the test in the bathroom. I had to wait two minutes, I went into my bedroom and sat on my bed, staring down at the stick in my hands. I did some deep breathing, thought positive thoughts. And when it was time, I looked down at the test where it showed two lines.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no," I started crying.


I was spooked when I heard my brothers coming. So, I moved the test aside on my bed before they both entered my room.

"El, I'm having trouble with my fractions--" Sam was talking.

"Hey, I need her help with my science project!" Mikey objected.

Then they started bickering on how they needed help with their homework as I was facing my own problem. My brothers stopped with the bickering when they noticed I was crying.

"Ellie, why are you crying?" Mikey asked.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing, guys, Just had something in my eye," I wiped away my tears.

Then Sam glanced at my test.

"Hey, what's this?" he pointed at the pee stick.

I was in shock and panic as he noticed.

"Nothing," I tried hiding it away.

"Let me see," Mikey went in and grabbed my test.

He and Sam looked at it.

"What is this thing?" Sam asked.

"And why does it have two lines?" Mikey added.

They both dug deep until they both became shocked and I was getting scared as they were finding out.

"Is that a pregnancy test?" Mikey asked.

"Guys, I can explain," I started.

"You're pregnant?!" my brothers asked together.

I started crying again and nodded.

"Yes. But I just found out. I was going to find the right time to tell you guys and Dads," I said.

"But you're seventeen and still in high school. How are you gonna take care of a baby?" Sam asked.

"Come on. I helped out with Dads when I was taking care you guys as babies, and I'm still taking care of you both," I said.

"Yeah, but do you even realize how mad Papa R. and Papa E. are gonna be when you tell them?" Mikey questioned.

"Of course, I do. But I was going to explain them when they get home. Please guys, don't say anything about this until then."

HSMTMTS: RJ Caswen/Jatt Mpreg Oneshots/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now