RJ Caswen: My Kind of Present

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Summary: Ricky has trouble finding a Christmas present for EJ, but when he finds out about something unexpectingly surprising, it became a miracle. And Ricky knows exactly to give to EJ for Christmas, and that's what they both have wanted since the day they got married: a baby.

Title based on the song by Meghan Trainor.
Shopping for the holidays is one of the stressful things for anyone, even for Ricky. He had already gotten the people he had on his list: his dad, Mike, his mom, Lynne, his old high school drama teacher, Miss Jenn, and some of his friends, including besties, Big Red, Nini and Gina. He had gotten almost everyone, because the trouble was that he couldn't find the perfect gift for his husband of two years, EJ. After the Christmas presents EJ had gotten through the past years, Ricky was running out of ideas as he had not gotten much time left when Christmas was about a week away.

Unable to finish up his shopping, Ricky was feeling a little sick for the last couple of days, so he was staying at home while EJ was at work. Ricky almost couldn't figure out why he couldn't stop throwing up until he processed a little on his stomach and had a feeling about what was going on in there. Then he thought he might be pregnant.

Ricky remembered a while back when he and EJ were discussing their future together, even before they were about to get married. And as they got to the part about having kids, Ricky had told EJ about how he was born with a gene that could allow him to carry a child inside his body. After he mentioned that, Ricky feared EJ was going to think he was weird and would leave him, but luckily, EJ didn't walk out of Ricky's life as he did the right thing by staying and being supportive to him no matter what would happen in his body. After the talk about having kids, Ricky was happy and in relief.

So, he went to the pharmacy where he bought a pregnancy test. When he got back home, he took the test in the bathroom. About a few minutes later, the test came back positive, and Ricky was in happy tears to notice. He started to think about how he would tell EJ, but then he had a second thought on how great it would be to use his pee stick with the plus sign and make a surprise pregnancy announcement as a Christmas present to EJ.

After taking the test, Ricky searched for a tiny box to fit the test inside until he found the one which used to hold a bracelet given by EJ on their first-year anniversary while they were dating back in high school, and he held onto the box incase since then. Ricky fit the test into the box, wrapped it up in wrapping paper, and placed it underneath the tree. Ricky may wanted to be careful while he was with child, so EJ couldn't get any suspicion about it. But honestly, Ricky could not help the feeling on how he and EJ were going to make great dads.

It was going to be the best Christmas yet as Ricky and EJ were about to become a family.
*Christmas Day*

Ricky and EJ woke up on a beautiful Christmas morning and headed down together to the tree. When they got there, they were about to exchange each other gifts.

"Here, Ricky. This one's for you," EJ handed Ricky a small squared box.

Ricky took the box and unwrapped the paper to remove from it. Then he opened the box, and the moment he did, he was surprised as he saw a necklace with two hearts together.

"Oh, EJ... it's beautiful," Ricky said as he took the necklace out of the box.

"Look a little closer on the hearts," EJ told him.

Ricky squinted his eyes quite a bit to see the engraving on the hearts.

"It has our names on the hearts!" Ricky smiled.

"And there's a little more in the box," EJ pointed out.

Ricky was confused a little, but he looked back down at the box and saw a folded piece of paper inside. He took out the paper and unfolded to see a note, which said:

To Ricky:
When I tell you I love you, I don't say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Merry Christmas, my sweet prince.
Love, EJ.

Ricky felt tears forming in his eyes as he looked back up to face EJ.

"The reason I wrote something like that is because I thought of the day when I first told you how I've loved you, even since the day we first met. And in between the times before and after we got married, I've kept my vow that I would never do anything to stop myself from loving you when I knew you were the one I've wanted to be with forever," EJ told him.

"Oh, EJ. That's so sweet. Thank you," Ricky softly sobbed in a shaky way.

Then he went in to hug EJ.

"Merry Christmas, Ri," EJ whispered.

"Merry Christmas, Eej," Ricky whispered back.

They shared a kiss before pulling away. Then EJ helped put the necklace around Ricky's neck.

"It's perfect. I'm never gonna take this off," Ricky said.

"I'm glad you love it," EJ softy said.

"Okay, EJ. Your turn," Ricky grabbed the box he wrapped with before.

Then he handed it to his husband. EJ took the box from Ricky's hand and he started unwrapping the paper. And the moment he opened the box, he saw the plus sign on Ricky's pregnancy test, and his eyes popped wide open before tears could form in them as he started crying.

"Babe? Is... Is it true?" EJ sobbed.

Ricky let out more tears as he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant," Ricky announced.

EJ's heart was filled with joy as Ricky felt the same for his when they finally got what they wanted, and they embraced into a second hug and sobbed happily.

"I love you so much!" EJ cried.

"I love you too!" Ricky laughed in tears.

They had another, yet passionate kiss and then touched foreheads.

"We're gonna have a baby! I'm gonna be a daddy!" EJ said excitedly.

"Me too!" Ricky added.

This was their best Christmas ever as they were about to be dads.

Ricky and EJ invited their parents over to their house for Christmas dinner later that night. They announced Ricky's pregnancy, and their parents were thrilled about being grandparents. Some time after the holidays, Ricky and EJ told their friends, including EJ's cousin and Ricky's cousin-in-law, Ashlyn, and everyone was excited on how they were going to be aunts and uncles.

Months later, Ricky and EJ welcomed a beautiful baby boy whom they named Michael after Ricky's father, and they were going to make the best dads ever.

Thanks for reading this! More soon!

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