RJ Caswen: Like Father, Like Daughter

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Summary: Ricky and his and EJ's daughter, Christina "Chrissie", both get pregnant, and they tell each other.
Everything could not have been more perfect for the Caswen family.

Years back when Ricky Caswen and his husband EJ were teenagers, as they were in their senior year of high school, they found out Ricky was pregnant and thought it was impossible. They didn't know what to do at first until they decided to keep the baby. They told their parents about the baby, but sadly neither of them approved of this except for Ricky's father, Mike who was the only parent to give the boys his support since he and Ricky have had a very close relationship.

Halfway through their last year of high school, Ricky and EJ found out they were having a girl. Though, Ricky was afraid of having a daughter, because he hadn't spoken to his mom, Lynne since he told her about his pregnancy, and he didn't want himself and his daughter to be anything like it. But EJ reminded him that he and their daughter would not be anything like between him and his mom, and Ricky was in relief to have EJ on his side.

A few days before graduating high school, Ricky went into labor and gave birth, and he and EJ named their daughter Christina Erin Caswell-Bowen. They would sometimes often call her by her nickname, Chrissie. Ricky and EJ got visits from Lynne and EJ's parents, and they apologized to their sons and they all made amends as the parents wanted to be a part of their granddaughter's life.

After graduation, Ricky and EJ's lives with their beautiful daughter couldn't have been better over the years. While raising Chrissie, Ricky and EJ went to SLCC for college and graduated there two years later. They later moved to Los Angeles where they got a nice house and great jobs there. Ricky became a music producer and wrote songs for artists, including for his best friend since childhood, Nini. And EJ had a job as an editor in journalism. Ricky and EJ later got married and they even changed their last names into a collaborative name: Caswen.

As they were at their 30s of their ages, Ricky and EJ were so happy and loved being married to each other. At times outside of their jobs, they would talk about having more kids since they've had Chrissie, even about a year ago when they told her about how they had her at a young age. Chrissie was a little confused at the beginning of the story at first, but after Ricky and EJ explained everything, she knew that they would always love her no matter what. And then on, Ricky and EJ managed some time as they had tried to make another baby, but they did not have much luck.

As for Chrissie, now that she was seventeen, her life was going great and she loved her dads very much. She had been getting good grades in school, she had some great friends, and during her free time, she would play guitar and write songs just like Ricky when he taught her.

The Caswens had an amazing life together as a family until something which was the same thing happened and it was about to change their lives. It was a happy thing for Ricky and EJ, but a scary thing for Chrissie.
At the Caswen household, Ricky was sitting on the toilet in the bathroom, and in his hand was a pregnancy test he bought at the pharmacy, because he thought he might be pregnant after feeling sick while he was at work. So when he got home, he went to take it, and waited for about a few minutes when he set a timer on his phone. When the timer went off, Ricky picked up the stick and viewed at it.

He smiled to see a plus sign, which meant it was positive. Ricky was pregnant and he couldn't wait to tell EJ, and then Chrissie.

And then, he heard someone coming inside the house, and he exited out of the bathroom to go see if it was EJ. Ricky smiled as he saw EJ down at the doorway, taking off his jacket, and he rushed downstairs.


EJ turned to see Ricky running up to him.

"Hey, Ricky. What's---"

HSMTMTS: RJ Caswen/Jatt Mpreg Oneshots/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now