Jatt: Off-Screen Hookup Conclusion

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*3 months later*

The last few months Josh and Matt had been having with their son was a wild ride filled with endless days and nights. A few hours after River was born, Josh and Matt got visits from their parents, siblings and friends and they all got to meet the newborn, and they were very happy for the two new amazing parents. A couple of days later, Josh and Matt were released from the hospital and brought River home, where they then showed him his nursery. And so, they have spent their time together at home with their precious baby boy. Even while coping through with River's crying, the diaper changing, the bottle feeding, the little baths, and the other things to do with a baby, the heartfelt life of two fathers couldn't be more blissful without a special little boy to love and to cherish these moments with.

And now, Josh and Matt's lives as a family were about to lead them to the next best chapter of their adventure...

Josh and Matt's anniversary was coming up, and they couldn't believe it's been a year since they had gotten together. Their lives couldn't have gotten better now that they had a baby. Josh couldn't be more excited about it, but as for Matt, he wanted to make this night perfect for himself and his boyfriend, because he was so nervous that he was about to do something for Josh since after River was born... He was about to ask the love of his life to marry him.

A little while back, Matt talked to Josh's parents, Taylor and Laura for a moment about how much he loved Josh and knew that he was the one for him. Then he asked the parents for their son's hand in marriage. Seeing how their son being happy with someone he had known for the last few years and later fell in love with, Taylor and Laura gave their blessing to Matt and he thanked them by hugging them.

The week before the anniversary, Matt went with Sofia, Julia, Joe and Frankie to the mall and into a jewelry store where they helped him find a ring for Josh until they found the one that was perfect. So, he picked out the ring he pointed the clerk at the glass. Then he bought it and thanked his friends for their help before he went home and hidden it in a very secret hiding place, so Josh wouldn't find out because Matt wanted to surprise him.

And before the day came, Josh and Matt planned to go out for dinner, and they were figuring out on who was going to watch River as they go out. But they weren't in much luck, because both sets of their parents were out of town and their siblings had already made plans. They also were deciding on which of their friends could watch their son, and then they picked Olivia since they have made her the godmother. Josh fished out his phone to facetime her, and he and Matt told her the plan of their day. They asked her to watch River during their night out, which she happily agreed to do.

It was going to the best anniversary for a perfect proposal.
*Josh and Matt's anniversary*

Josh and Matt had gotten ready for their night out and they have made a reservation of the same restaurant where they had their first date when Josh was pregnant with River. They sat on the couch with their son for a little bit until a knock came to the door and Josh went to answer it. Olivia had arrived just in time and Josh greeted her with a hug.

"Thank you so much for coming, Liv. We really appreciate you doing this," Josh said.

"Of course. You guys deserve to have your special night out while I spend time with the little guy," Olivia said with a smile.

Then she walked up to pick up the smiley little boy from Matt's hands and gave him a little kiss.

"You're a cutie pie, yes, you are," Olivia cooed over the baby who let a tiny giggle.

"Okay, so formula is in the fridge where we also left a phone for incase of an emergency, the diapers are in River's room and there are extra onesies in the top drawers incase he gets overloaded in his diaper, and we've set out some of his favorite toys next to his jumperoo. And don't forget to put him to sleep in his crib before we get home--" Matt was going over instructions to Olivia before Josh interrupted.

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