RJ Caswen: Hold On Pt. 3

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*three weeks later*

It had been three weeks since Ricky and EJ proposed to each other and got engaged. Later that same day, they told their parents and all their friends the news, and they congratulated them. They were going to plan their dream wedding later on in life as the triplets were almost here. Although, Ricky was nervous and scared about giving birth to all three babies, and he was not as sure if he would make it through, because he feared he was not strong enough. But EJ had told Ricky that he was strong and he was going to be right next to him during the birth.

Ricky woke up in the middle of the night as he grabbed hold of his stomach, and started to experience contractions. He started breathing through the pain when he realized that the babies might coming already.

"E--EJ?" Ricky shook gently on his fiance who was asleep.

EJ moaned softly in his sleep.

"EJ?" Ricky tried calling again.

As it was no use, Ricky grabbed his pillow. He used it to hit on EJ. 

"Huh?! Wh-What?!" EJ immediately woke up.

He relaxed himself a moment later as he turned his head to see Ricky in the dark, and he turned on the lamp on his nightstand.

"Ricky, it's 4:00 in the morning. What the hell did you do that for?" EJ tiredly moaned.

Before Ricky could answer...


Ricky felt another contraction and his eyes were shut tight as he felt a big one, and he started breathing though it.

"Are you okay?" EJ asked as he grabbed Ricky by the shoulder.

Ricky breathed until the pain passed a few moments later.

"Eej... I think it's time," Ricky said.

"Wh-What? You mean, right now?" EJ asked.

"Yup, this is for real!" Ricky said before he groaned at the end of his sentence.

Ricky breathed while EJ hopped off of the bed to get the hospital go-bag from the closet they had ready incase it would happen at any time. Then EJ helped Ricky out of the bed and carefully walked him down the stairs.

"I can't believe this is really happening!" Ricky panted.

"I know, Ri, I'm so excited to meet our babies!" EJ smiled.

"Me too, Eej. I love you," Ricky tiredly smiled.

"I love you too," EJ said.

They shared a kiss when they got at the bottom of the staircase, but cut it short when Ricky yelled loudly in pain.

"Just remember to breathe, baby," EJ said.

Ricky did as told as he concentrated on his breathing while EJ guided him to the car. When they got in, Ricky held EJ's hand and squeezed it real tight, though EJ did not mind as he wouldn't dare himself to let go of Ricky's hand while he was in pain. EJ called the hospital to let them know, and they would have a room ready for them when they arrive. While they were both scared as hell, Ricky and EJ were very thrilled as they were about to become fathers to three beautiful, healthy children.
*hours later*

Ricky and EJ were in the room since the moment they arrived at the hospital after they called. Ricky breathed through every contraction he felt, he was sweating from his forehead and through his curls, and his tears had flown out of his eyes as he cried in pain. But EJ was over his shoulder as he helped his fiance cope through the pain. He held his hand through every contraction, fed him ice chips, gave him fluids to keep him hydrated, and dried off the sweat with a cold, wet cloth.

HSMTMTS: RJ Caswen/Jatt Mpreg Oneshots/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now