RJ Caswen: I Won't Give Up Pt. 1

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Note: Ricki finds out she's pregnant and tells EJ after they have been together for two years.
*two years later*

Over the last two years, Ricki and EJ had been dating, and they told their families and friends after keeping their lives as a couple a secret for a little while. During their relationship, they continued being in theatre together at school, Ricki would go to EJ's swim meets where she supported him, they would attend to school dances where their friends would go to as well, and they went to summer camp together twice.

And as another summer of them together was coming to an end, Ricki and EJ were starting off their senior year of high school, and it was going to be the best year of their lives. But something was about to happen after the couple were near the end of their summer vacation, and it was going to a challenge for them...

Ricki was pregnant and EJ was the father.
*when Ricki found out she was pregnant*

Ricki was in the girls's bathroom at school. She was in one of the stalls with a pregnancy test in both of her hands. Lately, Ricki was feeling unwell and she wasn't sure why. The day before, she told Nini and Gina that she thought she might be pregnant. So, Ricki went to a pharmacy after school where she bought the pregnancy test. And by the next morning, she skateboarded to school earlier, where she met up with Nini and Gina by the girls's room.

Ricki took the test while Nini and Gina were standing outside, waiting for her. Then a few minutes later...

"Okay, here goes nothing."

Ricki closed her eyes, took a deep breath and thought positive thoughts until she opened them back up and looked down at the test, where she a tiny plus sign on it.

"Positive," she said to herself.

Then she was thinking second thoughts that were scaring her, like, "How will I tell EJ? My dad is going to kill me! What if I'm not ready to be a mother? I am so screwed!"

Ricki came out of the bathroom and met with Nini and Gina.

"Well?" Nini asked.

Ricki showed the positive test to Nini and Gina.

"So, you're...?" Gina asked.

Ricki nodded.

"I cannot believe this is happening right now," she stated.

Then the three girls started walking to their classes.

"Guys, what am I gonna do?" Ricki questioned.

"Are you gonna tell EJ?" Nini asked.

"I... I want to, but I don't know if he wants to be a dad. I'm not even ready to be a mom. I don't even wanna be like my mom ever since she divorced my dad and moved to Chicago," Ricki said.

"Ricki, you're not gonna be like your mom. I just think that maybe if you tell EJ, he'll understand," Gina told her.

"You think so?" Ricki asked.

"Of course," Gina rubbed her shoulder.

"Look, EJ loves you, and you love him. You two have been together almost two years now, and we're sure you guys will figure out some things together whether you wanna keep the baby or not," Nini made a statement.

Ricki felt like she wanted to cry.

"I don't know, Neens. I can't even make up my mind right now, because I'm scared," she said.

"You don't have to decide what to do right now. Just think it over and find a way to tell EJ," Gina encouraged her.

A tear slid out of Ricki's eye, but she wiped it away quickly.

HSMTMTS: RJ Caswen/Jatt Mpreg Oneshots/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now