RJ: Caswen: I'll Stand by You: Prologue (Ricky's POV)

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Summary: Ricky and EJ's relationship was kept in secret while some of EJ's friends from the water polo team have been bullying Ricky until EJ defended him. And as their senior year approaches while they're officially a couple, there's one thing that's going to be very hard when they face in the whole school but they have to fight for: Ricky is pregnant with EJ's baby.

Note: This story will be written with Ricky as trans, which will explain why the water polo team picks on him for being that and being pregnant, but EJ will stick by his side. Ricky and EJ are both seniors in high school.

Side-note: This will be written as individual parts.

Title based on the song by The Pretenders.
My name is Ricky Bowen. I'm a senior in high school, and my hobbies are skateboarding and playing guitar. But there's a couple of things not everyone knows about me other than my parents and my friends since I had told them before... I'm bisexual and transgender: FTM, female to male.

My birth name was Rachel, and growing up, I wasn't really like other girls. I was actually more of a tomboy. And sometimes, my parents could be confused about it, but then they were okay with it. And also Nini and Big Red, my only two best friends since childhood who understood how different I was. Sometimes, I'd ask my parents if I would ever be a boy some day whenever I had this strange feeling about it, and they would tell me that I could be whatever I wanted to be as long as I was happy because I was special.

When I was thirteen, I found out on how I've liked guys and girls after I took a "Am I Gay?" quiz and my results said I was bisexual, and then came out to my parents, which they took the news well. By the time I was fifteen, I had discovered about what people were like as transgender, and then I watched videos about trans men. One night during dinner, I came out again but as transgender to my parents, and I explained on how I looked up on what people had been like as trans. After telling them, they understood and were happy, and they would always love me no matter what I was.

The next day, I told my friends, my best friends from childhood and some of my high school friends. Nini was the first friend I had to tell just before she told me she was about to move to Los Angeles to start a music career, but she said that we would always be best friends. And then Big Red, even though he was heartbroken when he confessed that he had the biggest crush on me for years. I comforted him and told him that there was going to be a change but I would always be remembered as the girl he loved and who loved him back.

I've changed my whole appearance, and when I looked at myself in the mirror, I was finally who I was when I got what I wanted, and I was so happy. Although, my mom got me binders to cover up my top since the surgery for it was expensive, but I didn't mind. Afterwards, I announced my transition on Instagram and how proud I was for that. The message I written on my post said, "Hello. My name is Richard Michael Bowen. But you may call me... Ricky." My friends and close family members and anyone from the LGTBQ community commented on how proud they were when they praised for the whole new me.

A year and a half later, when I was about seventeen, my parents announced they were getting divorced and my mom was moving to Chicago where she was offered a job there. I was upset about it for a little while, but then I started to get used to it. I stayed with my dad while I often arrange visiting my mom once in a while.

In between times, it was difficult for me in high school. Some of those guys, who were on the water polo team, have been bullying and humiliating me for being trans and they would say stuff behind my back, which usually sounded very hurtful. But at least I was lucky to have my friends to protect me whenever I have trouble coming toward me. And I would often talk to one of the teachers, such as Miss Jenn, about it if those boys were giving me a hard time.

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