RJ Caswen: Single Dad Life

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Note: This is kind of a past mpreg.

Side-Notes: - BS/N: Babysitter's name
- B/N: Boyfriend's name
- S/N: School's name
- R/R#: Ricky's Room number
- EJ/R#: EJ's Room number
- R/CO: Ricky's coffee order

Ricky Bowen is a teacher for a music program at a school who is also a single father to a little girl named Sophia.

Ricky grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah, and his hobbies included skateboarding and playing guitar and piano ever since he was a kid. He went to East High School and then moved to Los Angeles after graduating when he was eighteen and lived there for quite a while. He got a job at a record store called Amoeba Records up in Hollywood where he met one of his coworkers named (B/N).

After a few months of working together, (B/N) had the courage to ask Ricky out on a date. And some time after, they were in love. Ricky and (B/N) would go on dates, even after they'd get off work. And they met each other's parents and would arrange to visit them and invite over for Thanksgiving and Christmas. They had been together for five years and shared an apartment together. Their relationship went on strong until during a work party at the record store, (B/N) was being a jerk and Ricky never felt this embarrassed.

When they got home later that night, the two had a heated argument as Ricky questioned on (B/N) about what had gotten into him lately. At the end of the fight, Ricky realized he wasn't in love with the same man (B/N) was anymore after their years of being together. So Ricky broke up with (B/N) and he told him he was moving out of their apartment. (B/N) tried to get Ricky to forgive him for his behavior, but it was too late.

After he left, Ricky went to see his best friend, Nini for comfort. After explaining his breakup, Nini invited Ricky to stay at her house for a little while. Even though he had gotten missed calls and and unanswered texts from (B/N), but he would ignore them. Ricky called his father Mike, told him his relationship with (B/N) was over and decided to come back home to him. He handed in his two weeks' notice letter for the record store and spent his last days focusing on work and avoiding (B/N). And it was until he finally left, and he never looked back. He traveled on a plane home where Mike and his wife, who was Ricky's stepmother, Jenn, were there at the airport to greet their son with open arms.

After he came home, Ricky still kept getting calls and texts from (B/N) until he picked up and angrily told him to stop calling him. Ricky visited his friends and they were all happy to see him. He told them about his breakup and quitting his job while other things in L.A. didn't work out for him anymore. Ricky had great friends who were there to help him in need until he would get back on his feet eventually.

A couple weeks after coming home, Ricky felt sick as he was in the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. He didn't know what was going on in his stomach until he had an impossible feeling. So, he made an appointment with the doctor later that day. At the appointment, the doctor confirmed Ricky was really pregnant and he was only a month along.

Ricky couldn't believe his eyes, and he didn't know how his parents and his friends were going to react when he'd tell them the news. But he knew had to be brave about doing this before he would regret it forever. When he got home, Ricky's parents asked him about where he was, and he told them he was at the doctors. They asked why and the moment he told them he found out he was pregnant, Ricky broke down into tears and Mike and Jenn comforted him. Over dinner, Mike and Jenn asked Ricky about if (B/N) was the father after they ended their relationship, which was true, and what he was going to do with the baby, and Ricky said he was going to come up with a plan. Mike and Jenn offered the support he would ever need, and Ricky appreciated it.

Ricky later told his friends the news, and they were so excited for him, but he mentioned that he was keeping the information of the father of his baby private, because back while they were dating, (B/N) mention to Ricky that he never wanted to have children, which was heartbreaking. So Ricky had never forgotten about it when he wasn't planning on telling (B/N) anyway. Ricky knew that being a single parent was going to be the toughest job to experience, but he could handle it. And so on, he got all the support from his family and friends as they helped him throughout the pregnancy.

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