Ch 4

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I gasped slightly as memories of the triplets raping me arises. I sat up and gulped wondering if it was all a dream. But I quickly realized it wasn't when I woke up next to one of the brothers. They look the same so I don't know who is this. He wore just a loose pant and nothing else. I felt my heart race unnaturally and looked at myself to see I was wearing nothing. My eyes watered as I tried to stand up but felt slight sting in my thighs. "I need to get out of here...but where do I go? This is an island...Maybe I should search for a phone." I thought to myself and secretly looked back to check if the guy was awake. My heart jumped seeing him awake and staring at me. "Come back here." He growled with a small subtle smirk. 

I gulped as I moved away slowly not wanting to let him take any more advantage of me. However my mind was blank as to what should I do. Before I could even comprehend the man jumped over to my side of the bed and sat as he quickly held my hips and pulled me closer. "Don't! Please stop!" I cried out as I felt him push his head against my chest and deliver small kisses and bites. I pushed against him and fisted his hair to pull his head away. 

"You bitch!" He growled letting go and quickly stood up. I tried to run but he was quicker and pulled me back. He quickly pushed in his middle and ring finger in my cunt making me scream. "You need to be taught a lesson for trying that!" he growled as he roughly fingered me. 

"Jungkook calm down she just had a sex session 2 hours ago!" One of the brother came inside and quickly held Jungkook's arm. Jungkook pulled away and I fell down as my legs had turned jelly. "Jk she pulled my hair." Jungkook reasoned with a stone face. "It's okay calm down...calm down. Don't be so aggressive. She is our girl. She will learn to love us." Jk told softly. I tried to get up to escape the duo before Jk held me firmly and picked me up bridal style. "I am taking her now. Calm down till then." Jk added and carried me away as I was sort of relieved. Although each brother was psychotic Jungkook was just too scary. 

Jk gently pushed me against the soft bed and climbed over me peppering kisses on my head and cheek. "Jk please let me go please. I don't want this." I begged to him. Jk cooed as he rubbed my skin as if soothing me. "Aww my darling. Let me make you happy in my favorite way." Jk added with a wink and quickly slid down holding my waist. I groaned hoping he wouldn't give me an oral but he did something more unexpected. He pressed his face against my stomach and began blowing raspberries making me cry out in discomfort and tickles. "STOP!" I cried as I tried pushing his head away. "It tickles stop!" I cried out trying to squirm away from the assault. 

"But you like it don't you?" Jk asked looking up as his nose and lips still touched my sensitive skin. "No! Stop!" I growled but he simply resorted to kissing soft areas of my belly and intertwined our fingers. He was fascinated with the hickey he gave her and kissed it multiple times. After a while of screaming and squirming I realized it is just causing me more pain and quietly began looking at the ceiling. I just hope I don't feel his lips at all. I also hoped he didn't notice my pussy getting wet with his soft kisses on my most sensitive area. Or maybe it was Jungkook's fingering? After some time his ticklish kisses stopped but his lips didn't leave their spot above my navel. 

I looked down seeing his eyes were closed and his breath slowly hit against my skin. Why did he have to sleep above me like this with his lips pressed against my navel. "Jk let go." I spoke trying to squirm away from his hold but the moment he woke up he began kissing the spot yet again making me groan and writhe. What's with this humiliation. He is forcing me yet I am getting turned on. Slowly my body got used to his kisses and lips thus I laid limp as his lips occasionally moved, opened to lick or just stayed still against my abused belly. I stared down at him not uttering a word as my eyes felt heavy yet again since the pillow was so soft. 

Is this what life has become now? Will I ever escape these psycho rapists?  I just hope Jungguk doesn't come now. 

(God my writings portray how bad of a navel fetish I have...I just love how soft and fluffy the stomach is. So kissworthy....I hope no one is getting awkward...Please tell me it's not making u awkward...This books is basically all my fantasies that a smut or yandere book should have. So answer this - Do you enjoy reading this?)

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