Ch 8

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He dragged me to a different direction slightly surprising me. "Where are you taking me!" I growled as I occasionally tried to pull away from his hold. "To Master Jungkook's pent house." He added and sweat began covering my face and body. "N-No..." I whimpered just remembering him. I quickly pulled his hand that held mine and bit his palm causing him to yelp and let go. I pushed him down to making him fall and sobbed loudly as I ran back towards the ocean. 

However this time my now semi wet legs could not touch the water since Taehyung quickly caught up and turned me around and threw me over his shoulder. "I should've remembered Mistress is very agitated and aggressive towards me." he softly spoke before walking back. "Not his house! Please take me anywhere else! Jk works! Even Jungguk! Please please not Jungkook." I screamed. 

"Mistress please calm down. Masters have made their plan. Every week from today you will stay with them in their personal apartments. It starts from Master Jungkook then Master Jk and then finally Master Jungguk. The slots were apparently decided by a chits game and Master Jungkook won the first slot then master Jk won the second and Jungguk master got the third week slot. On the fourth and final week of a month they share you in the common room equally. 

The rules say the other 2 brothers can come to meet you whenever they wish but that week's brother gets the first priority from you. Basically this week you can meet master Jk and master Jungguk but you will stay in Master Jungkook's mansion and fulfil his needs first. In the fourth week however it's equal for all the 3 and no one gets special treatment. Since today is first day of the month you will stay with Master Jungkook till 7th and on 8th you will come to Master Jk's mansion then 15th to Master Jungguk's mansion and finally the main mansion on 22nd till the end of the month and then the cycle begins again."  Taehyung explained. 

I was shocked at the detailed plan and after some time he put me in a car after walking a kilometer or two holding me like that. "We will reach master Jungkook's room in 10 minutes." He said as he sat on the driving seat and drove. I sat in the backseat as he began droving. 

I became numb and didn't react the entire drive. Soon we reached and Taehyung opened the door as I still sat refusing to get out. 

"Mistress please don't do this." "Go to hell." I responded angrily. 

He then gently held my hand and pulled me and for some reason I didn't resist that second but pulled away my hand after a minute. We didn't exchange any more words and I entered the mansion. It was a slightly smaller than the common mansion but well it's still huge.

I wonder why the brothers stay here but work in Seoul? Is it in fear to get caught? Maybe. 

"Mistress is here girls! Let's welcome her!" A woman screamed and 4 other girls quickly walked towards us and bowed. "Welcome mistress. How was your day?'' 

"Absolutely bad." I whispered and twisted my lips in anger. "Please step in, bath has been prepared for you. Master Jungkook has prepared clothes for you and special lunch. He informed us he will be here by 4 pm.'' one of them added. 

I quickly looked up at the antic clock that was up in the entrance wall showing 3:15. My heart raced and fear. I can't grasp the fact that I will be staying with that madman all alone for a week. I can still manage Jk and Jungguk...but this one. Immediately memories of him roughly pushing his fingers in me last day rushed in my mind making me exhale loudly.  

"Please mistress, come inside." I looked up and slowly made way. There is no choice but to adapt. I thought of trafficked women being brought in brothels and physically abused and raped everyday while they are kept in dark dingy rooms. At least somewhere deep within...this is better than that. Thinking that will make it easy to cope up here for some time. 

I explored the mansion to realize it has 2 floors and 3 rooms. Two downstairs and 1 upstairs where I was taken. The bedroom upstairs was smaller than ones below but the attached bathroom was huge. I settled down after undressing into the warm water.  The water helped calm my nerves. I tried to sink further and drown myself but having water trauma doesn't help. I can't even go nose deep...thus I decided to not fight against fact any of the brothers for now. I not only wanted to peace...I also know Jungkook. He is the most aggressive of the trio and hates if I fight against him. To make my week bearable I promised not to fight against him. Maybe....maybe he will go soft on me and spare me a bit.  

After wearing the clothes neatly kept on the bed I went down and was served lavish food and desserts. I looked at the time to see it was 3:45 already by the time I was full. I couldn't see Taehyung and the girls led me to another room in the first floor which I suppose was the master bedroom. There I was a small nightgown. "Madam please wear this. Master has clearly stated 'Only this'." With that women left. I picked up the satin gown and stared at it. I really wonder how they talk to their master. I searched every where but there is no phones...or at least I didn't find any.  I wonder if it makes any difference since I have failed miserably many times.

I wanted to not wear it and just stay in this comfy cotton pant and shirt but I regardless discarded them and wore this satin gown only. I realized I can't even wear an underwear. I really wanted to wear one but in the end it will probably get ripped and I might face wrath. I simply looked at the clock and laid down on the bed. I closed my eyes hoping I fall asleep and he doesn't bother me. But my eyebrows crinkle when I hear the main door open and the maids welcoming 'Master Jungkook'. I gulped and curled in on myself and turned to a side. I closed my eyes pretending to sleep and my heart began racing when the door of the room I was at opened. 

I could feel his strong cologne and presence as he inched closer loudly. I tried my best not to move. Abruptly I felt his hand pulling me to sleep on my back. I pretended to move a bit making him believe I was sleeping. "Hey chick." He chuckled. "I know ya awake." He added gruffly. He blew smoke against my face making me yelp slightly and jump to sit up. I was met with his scary yet handsome face inches away as he smirked while smoking a cigarette. 

Hey guysss!~  Time for some will mean me a lot if you could share your thoughts with me😁😁
what do you think of Y/n? Does she feel relatable??
What about the bros? And of course our secret trump card...Taehyung?
Finally what do you think will happen later in this story?

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