Ch 30

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My heart was beating louder and my hands grew cold. "Yea I would like this can of soda." He said in a charming tone. "My apologies." I added softly as I turned to his soda and scanned it with shaky hands trying my best to act normal. I could see him looking at me for a bit and then turn away. I gulped as my lips quivered ever so slightly.

"By the way Miss." He started as I looked down. "Your total will be 76 cents sir." I added almost ignoring his starter. "Did you also hear some screams." He asked. "Huh?" I asked. 

His eyes scanned me a bit before going about it, "Well forget it." He added smiling and paying his money. Once he was done he left making me almost fall since my legs felt like jelly. Hoseok who had just returned, quickly helped me stand.

I didn't even know Jimin personally. Yet, Yet I felt like our brief interactions meant pain and sufferings will cast upon us. And when he asked about the screams...he heard Yui. He fucking heard Yui and will spy on here now. We fucking narrowed down our own disguisable location.

I didn't even want to talk about this to Hoseok in fear that Jimin has already started with his spying.  

I quickly finished my shift and rushed home. I looked around as carefully as possible to see if I am being followed. At the house I saw Yui's room empty. I quickly panicked wondering if Jimin found her. I opened her bathroom to see Yui sitting blankly on the toilet seat. 

"He was the first throw hands on me." She added shocking me. 
"He was the first monster I ever faced." She spoke as she looked at me with red eyes. 

"Now they will find us again." "Yu-" "WE WILL ALL DIE!!" Yui screamed in terror. I quickly hugged her tightly as she screamed and thrashed. "KILL HIM! KILL HIM! HE ABUSED ME! KILL HIM!" She screamed in a muffled voice. 

"I WILL!" I suddenly spoke shocking her. I cupped her face firmly as I looked at her. "I will Yui. One day I will. I will not let him survive." I added darkly shocking her. "Y-You really will?" She asked with a shaky voice. "B-But you will be jailed?'' "I may not be able to physically kill him. I will try to throw him down in the hells of jail. But if the government doesn't...I will do it myself." I added. 

Memories of a few months back flashed in front of my eyes. As Yui laid on her bed I spoke to myself. 

"Yui we are victims...yet we have to hide like this while our assailants get to live freely. We fear them. But they haunt us. I am sorry Yui." I added as sobs began leaving me. "I dragged you into this mess. I-If you didn't look like me you wouldn't have been kicked and sexually exploited. It's all because of our looks. ALL BECAUSE OF THIS BLOODY FACE. I-I-I have to change it. Yes. I must change my face." I added sharply. 

If Jimin has recognized Yui's scream then he will mostly stay and investigate. In that case I must keep a check on him. 

I helped Yui and tucked her into bed to help her rest. As I went out I saw Yui's mom. "Hi mama, when did you come back?" I asked cheerfully. "Don't dear." "Huh?" "Don't burden Yui's pain and sufferings on your shoulder...Y/- Krista." She added holding my shoulders firmly. 

"You are suffering too. You have taken Yui's pain on your shoulders." "But she was dragged into this mess because of me!" I added with tears. "SO WHO DRAGGED YOU INTO THIS MESS?" Her mom screamed. I stared at her shocked with mouth wide open. "STOP BLAMING THE VICTIM! IT WAS THE JEONS! THE ONLY ONE TO BLAME ARE THOSE HELLISH BASTARDS! NOT MY TWO DAUGHTERS! DO YOU GET IT KRISTA!" She screamed shocking me. 

I placed my head on her shoulder, "So what do I do?" I whispered. "I...I want us to become normal. But those brothers- They fucking stole everything!" I cried. "I WANT TO CRY TOO! I WANT SOMEONE TO TELL ME THAT I WILL BE AVENGED! I...I just want equal justice. But their powers don't let that happen." I added with ugly sobs. 

"THEY STOLE EVERYTHING!" I repeated clutching onto my hair. "Then let's steal everything they have." Mom suddenly spoke. "I didn't want you to encounter those brothers ever again. But it will never help. I still wish to stay hidden but your minds will never be at rest if they don't get punished. Become the journalist you have dreamt to be. Achieve it and then give them all the pain they deserve." 

"I will mama. I will." I added firmly and determined. 

After a few days I was having my shift yet again and saw Jimin again. I looked at the security computers to realize he has been coming everyday to find clues. Everyday he took a can of soda to appear normal. But I understood, that means now there is no going back. I gulped as I walked upto him and asked in a honey sweet voice, 

"How can I help you sir?" with the charming smile I always had even if my lips were now thicker. 

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