Ch 26

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I opened my eyes and looked around. Where am I...Is it Jungguk's mansion? Where am I. 
I tried sitting up but felt immense pain in my back. What's going on. "J-Jk." I mumbled. Suddenly I saw Taehyung hovering over me. 
"Mistress are you feeling okay?!'' Taehyung suddenly asked. 

"T-Tae...what happened? I don't remember when I came here...where are we? what's happening."  I asked confused. 
"Mistress, Miss Yui is in her death bed." Taehyung suddenly spoke as tears fell out of his eyes. 
"I am sorry mistress! I couldn't save her! I am very sorry!" He cried. 

I looked at him shocked and frozen. "W-What did you just say. Yui-WHAT HAPPENED TO YUI!" I shouted as I held his collar. 
"You don't remember Jungkook attacking you?" He asked. 
I was shocked yet I held onto the fact that he said just Jungkook instead of master. 

I tried my best to remember the time me and Yui were having our conversation.
Suddenly I could see memories I had almost repressed back then!
The moment I said the last words I felt a blow on my back. I looked down to see blood flowing and turned around seeing Jungkook holding a gun before me. That's the last thing I saw before falling to my side and blacking out as I heard Yui scream in despair. 

"YUI!" I screamed as I pushed Taehyung away and stood up yet fell back immediately as excruciating pain held me back in my back. "A-Ahhh!" I cried as Taehyung quickly held me. 
"Miss Y/n please rest. I will tell you everything later but now we need to make sure miss Yui is saved!" I looked at him. 

"Are we out of the island?" I asked looking at him. 
He looked back and nodded before leaving the room. 
My eyes widened. I bit my lips as fresh tears flowed down. I wanted to get out of that island so bad. Yet, yet I am not happy now. I didn't want this. I wanted to escape with Yui but Jungkook heard everything! I took every ounce of strength I had and stood up as I slowly walked towards the entrance of the hospital. Pushing the door open I walked hoping to find Yui's room. The next room thankfully had her and I gasped seeing her condition. 

"Y-Yui." I whispered as I entered the room while Taehyung stood crying. She was awake yet was breathing her last breath as she quickly pushed off her oxygen mask when she saw me. Gasping immediately as she saw me she tried her best to put her hands out to reach me. I stumbled to her and held her hand sharply. Her head was wrapped in a bandage, her body was full of scars from a knife and her chest had a sharp bullet wound. 

"Y-Y/N...M-My parents will be here...shortly. I contacted them...let them-t-take you as their-own." Yui mumbled as I tried to stop her from talking. Her heart beat was going down making mine go up in fear and guilt.  

"Yui stop. You will come with me!" I cried as I tried putting the oxygen mask but she threw it off and held me. 
"I...I won't live Y/n. That thing won't save me and it hurts staying this.. Jungkook...he has broken me...beyond repair. But...but you stay alive...and away from them. L-Live hidden. L-leave this country." "Don't say that Yui please! You are dying Yui stop! We will make out of this alive" I cried begging her. 

"I...I love you. I really wanted to meet y-." She spoke softly before her voice stopped in between. The heart beat that was decreasing met it's final end. 
"Y-Yui? Yui. Yui! YUI!!!" I cried out pushing at her body. Taehyung slid down as he covered his face. "YUI WAKE UP. DON'T DIE ON ME YUI! I NEED YOU! WAKE UP!" I cried as I shook her vigorously. "I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO EAT WITH MY SISTER! THIS IS NOT DONE! YUI! WAKE UP!" 

I hugged her as I sobbed uglily. 

"Why god. WHY!" I cried out loud. 

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