Ch 21

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"Jk..." I called out to Jk who was still in shock. "Can...can we save her? I promise I will never escape, never disobey or go against any of you. I will accept being your, Jungguk and Jungkook's love. But can we atleast leave her alone? Please?"

Jk didn't speak other than looking down. "Jk please!" I begged. "I don't control any of my brothers Y/n. I am sorry but I can't stop Jungkook." He said before standing up, "Besides...didn't you hate him? Isn't it good for you that he has another girl to satisfy his needs?" He asked with a  venomous tone as if taunting me.

My eyes widened just wondering how much screaming, crying and wailing that will girl will let out when she is hurt and abused by Jungkook. I don't fucking care what he does but seeing a girl go through what I did is heart wrenching. 

Goosebumps covered my body when I remembered the night when he punished me. It was fucking horrible. Just imagining the way he blindfolded me and tore my butthole then leaving outside to come myself had my body go cold. 



Water was splashed on the girl's face making her gasp like a small child and wake up from her drugged slumber. "Seems like she is finally awake." Jimin smirked as Taehyung looked at her with a blank face.

"W-WHAT THE HELL! WHO AR-" Jimin pressed his hand down on her mouth and pushed her back on the surface. Her muffled screams haunted the room as Jimin groped her breasts and thighs disgusting and scaring her. 

Taehyung quickly pulled Jimin back. "That's it Jimin, you know she belongs to the boss." "Oh god, what can I do when she looks so fine and meaty." Jimin inquired. 
"Well I heard that triplet chick is even pretty. After all she was some aspiring idol and shit. Must be so fuckable! Yo did you grab your chance with her?" Jimin asked. 
"N-No...I would never. She is our boss's favorite." Taehyung said with baffled blush. 

"Well if I were you I would've used her holes lik-" SMASH

Taehyung almost gasped when Jungkook smashed his head against the wall. The girl quickly jumped away and cried in fear and confusion. "W-WHO ARE YOU ALL! LET GO OF ME!" She shouted with tears and sweat. "Don't even think about Y/n. She is ours." "S-Sorry boss!" Jimin apologized. "Lick my shoes. RIGHT NOW!" Jimin quickly bent down and began kitten licking Jungkook's shoe. Jungkook roughly shoved his shoe as much as it go inside Jimin's mouth. 

"Know your place pig meat." Jungkook growled as the girl screamed in horror and tried to search for exit. 

"GRAB HER." Jungkook ordered Taehyung. Taehyung immediately held her and remembered the first time the brothers raped Y/n while Taehyung held her squirming body. 
Jungkook let go of Jimin's mouth as the man gagged and coughed. "DON'T COME NEAR ME!" The girl screamed. "What's your name?" Jungkook asked coldly. 

The girl looked at him with fear. "What. Is. Your. Name?" Jungkook asked getting frustrated. Just seeing her face reminded him of Y/n's failed escape attempt. He clearly loved her and had to share her so he couldn't rail or abuse her more. 

The girl couldn't help but sob as she tried to release herself from Taehyung. Jungkook suddenly slapped her harshly shocking Taehyung and the girl. He pulled her jaw and quickly asked again. "When I ask your name, You tell me your name." He inquired. 

"...Yui....Yui Inomata." She explained. 

"Do you speak korean?" He asked. She nodded. "Perfect." Jungkook smiled as he kissed her lips now speaking in Korean. After pulling away he added, "Too dry yours don't match Y/n." 
Yui looked at him with tears of confusion. "Please, let me go." She added. 

"Maybe when I am bored, but clearly not now." He added crushing her smallest of the small hopes she had.
Jungkook let go of her jaw and turned around. "Also Jimin, you wanted to smash her didn't you." Jimin lowered in head in fear and shock. 

"You can, I have already taken the first bite while she was drugged." He added with an evil smirk shocking and breaking Yui. "Y-You didn't! No!" She screamed in horror. Jungkook turned around slapping her hard. "Voice down in front of me. You can scream all you want when my men use you. Don't even dare try that attitude in front of me." He growled as her eyes squinted in pain and fear. 

Jungkook walked out as Taehyung followed him leaving the girl behind with a heavy heart. Jimin walked closer as she began screaming trying to run away from him. "NOOOO!" She screamed as she felt her dress being held by Jimin who pulled her back making her fall. 

"STOP IT LET GO!" She screamed on top of her lungs. But no one could stop Jimin from rocking his dick inside of her abused pussy. She hoped she was still drugged since the experience absolutely destroyed her. Jimin delivered the harshest bites, roughest thrusts and even worse kisses. 

Jungkook didn't know why he was so sadistic when it came to Yui, maybe she was just the shadow of Y/n but he will definitely not share her with his brothers only his leftover subordinates since Yui is not worth her brothers. She can look like Y/n...but is not Y/n.

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