Ch 39

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I opened the document and Hoseok sat beside me. "This might not be very useful but we found out some information about their rival company Premilux."  Hoseok added looking at me. 
"Premilux! Isn't it a clothing brand?" I asked surprised. "But I noted another name." I added. "Yup that is their actual name. Premilux is an elite clothing brand which earns a lot of money but their owners are also involved in drug trafficking. Just like Jeons. Where as Jeons act as a technology company producing phones and laptops. But that's all a front. There is also drugs involvement. In fact they both have a conflict since they supply scopolamine." Hoseok explained. 

"Scopolamine?" I asked hearing it somewhere. Maybe it was while I was in the island. "Yes also known as devil's drug. The compound is said to lead to hallucinations, frightening images, and a lack of free will. Moreover it's mainly produced in Columbia." He added while I listened intently. 

"Wait is that why they came here in America? So the supply chain will be closer?" I asked and Hoseok smiled, "Exactly Krista, but that's not the only reason. They came because Premilux has been here since 2017 and now has been trying it's best to block the supply to South Korea. Thus the Jeons have also arrived here in America. So they can negotiate...or kill." Hoseok added making my mouth fall. 

"I see." I added biting my lip. That's the base information. "So far I have collected this much. Found it from that cabin key you sent and also destroyed their security system to check some more cabins." Hoseok added. "What next?" I questioned. "I will take some more days. Will try to collect more and more information. I have more important files that I stole and haven't analyzed yet. Maybe they will give some more lead. Then I will try and sell that information to the rivals so they can get an upper hand." Hoseok explained. 

"Thank you Hoseok." I added smiling softly. Maybe this will work way better. 

"Oh and another thing but I think it's just a misassumption from my side." Hoseok suddenly added making me look at him. "What?" I asked curiously. 
"I think there is someone who is betraying the Jeons." He added making my eyes go wide. 
"They think so too but don't know yet. I will look into it further." Hoseok added and waved goodbye before wearing his hoodie and sunglasses along with a cap and mask. "A betrayer." I thought to myself in doubt.  

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