Ch 45

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After that everything was blank. I didn't know how long we were in the hospital. However according to the doctor I have been in the ER for 3 days. I felt a lot of pain after waking up but didn't really know what I was emotionally feeling. I had almost forgotten about Kim Aeri. Taehyung's sister. After I woke up Yui said police had come up question us and we just claimed she was a person who was hired to kill us. However we don't know who hired her exactly. 

I nodded and remembered Hoseok's words. Once I get healthy I will reveal my real story to the world. Now everything is done and over. The Jeon's company has been completely overtaken by the police and they are hiding. The hitman issue was shockingly resolved and police was guarding us. We were safe. 

I was in the hospital and everything seemed eerily normal. It was at night when I stood up to take water. Dad was sleeping in the couch beside me. Just as I returned to my room after drinking water I saw a man with a hoodie pointing a gun at dad. I was about to gasp when another man from behind the door covered my mouth and sushed me. "You better stay quiet if you don't want your dad to be shot right through his head." My eyes widened as I recognized the voice. 

Tears coated my eyes. It was Jungguk. How did he find us here? Was it through Aeri and Jimin? So do they know who I am now?
I was paralyzed with fear as days of rape and torture resurfaced in my eyes. I stayed calm so he wouldn't shoot dad. "Why did you do this." He whispered against my ear. "Who are you anyways." he questioned. Oh yea Yui was kidnapped by Jungkook so they don't have much idea about Yui's family so naturally they still don't know who I really am.

I stayed silent as he slowly removed his hand from over my mouth and turned me around roughly. "What animosity do you hold against us?" he growled lowly. 
"You are my life's greatest enemy Jungguk." I whispered shocking him. "You recognize me?" he questioned. "I will never forget that face." I added and he was shocked. "That voice...Y/N." He recognized. 

I heard the gun drop and the other guy approaching from behind who quickly turned me around to face him. "Jk." I whispered in contempt. "But Taehyung said Jungkook stole you away!" He spoke. "He killed Jungkook." I revealed shocking both of them. "Jungkook was going to kill me and Yui so Taehyung killed him." I spoke distracting them. I knew they will come. Someday. So when police was there to protect us I was given a small button which will be a help call. I had pressed that the moment Jungguk held me. 

"Y/n..." Jk whispered before hugging me, "How could I not recognize you. What have you done to your face." "JK she has ruined us! How are you even hugging her!" Jungguk growled pulling me away from him. "Shoot her with your gun." Jungguk growled. "I can't." Jk replied looking into my eyes. "Then I will." Jungguk added pulling out a gun and placing it in front of my head. However Jk held his hand. ''You will not." With that the brothers began staring at each other in anger. 

"Don't go blind in her love!" Jungguk screamed. "HANDS UP!" Suddenly voices boomed. The police had entered and was shocked. "THE JEONS! THEY ARE WANTED. HANDS UP!" 

"Back off or I will shoot her!" Jungguk pulled me away from everyone. "Oh don't you dare." My father suddenly spoke and held JK's gun who he dropped near him. "Shoot her and you will dead." father added. 

Jk slowly approached him and pulling his hand down. "Let her free now." he spoke softly and in defeat. Jungguk's eyes widened as the police quickly handcuffed them and dragged them away. I ran up to dad in pain and hugged him. I couldn't stop the sobs from erupting as I cried loudly.

"It's over now my child. It's over." Dad added softly as he petted my hair. 
"No it's not. Now it's beginning." I added looking up at him.   

A DOUBLE UPDATE!~ Hey guys this story is nearing it's end. It will mostly end within 50 Chapters. I hope you are liking the story so far!~ 

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