Ch 12

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Jungkook waited till Jk left and rushed towards me while I tried to sit. He pulled my ankle making me fall back to lay on the bed and jumped on top of me. I wanted to tell him to stop and give me a break but he looked really mad. I remembered Jungguk's words and therefore didn't speak.

He pulled the dress down letting my boobs spill out. "Jungkoo-" I tried to tell him to be gentle but he shushed me with a finger on his lip. "Don't speak." He ordered and I gulped. He roughly pushed my boobs together trying to get my nipples to touch. I hissed and grabbed onto his shoulder for support. Once they did he opened his mouth to take in both of them at a time. "A-AH!" I cried out as he roughly sucked onto them.

"Fucking Bitch." He mumbled before letting go and kissing me hard. I didn't know why but tears gathered in my eyes and I slapped him. He was shocked as he looked at me with wide eyes. I sniffed as I adjusted my dress. "You all claim to love me but are just exploiting me. None of you know what I am going through! EVERYBODY HAS EXPLOITED ME! Mark exploited me for money! You all are exploiting me for your sexual satisfaction but what about me? My dreams? My family!" I cried out. He sat there shocked as I covered my face and began sobbing uncontrollably.

"On top of that when I try to adjust and remain obedient your touches, you all still have a problem! I tried to tone my pain down by accepting you all but you just increase it. That Jungguk came last night and messed with me, I remained quiet. You are roughening up to me for no fucking reason. I just can't take this crap anymore. WHAT AM I! IS THIS HOW LOVERS TREAT EACH OTHER! No! This is not love!" I shouted and pushed him off of me.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I screamed before opening the door to see a shocked Jk. My eyes slightly softened yet hardened as I pushed him away. "Baby please stop we never meant to hurt you. We just...we just love you in our way." He tried and explained as he gently held me.
"I don't want it. I don't want anything that is happening to me." I cried.

"Please give us a chance." Jk tried to explain but I shook my head. He pulled me in for a warm hug while I cried. Jungkook walked towards us scaring me as I quickly hid behind Jk. "Move Jk."
"Jungkook-" "I said move! This is my week Jk! It's the rules!"
"Not if you will hurt our girl." Jk added. "Oh god! Stop being a pussy! She belongs to us all! We can force her and roughen up on her!" Jungkook added. "You should consider stopping being an ass to her. Be a man but not toxic. You can touch and force her but don't hurt her beyond repair. Make her laugh not cry. I know you heard us in the morning." 

"Okay I agree! You are the better one from us 3 when it comes to her. But at least let me fucking make it up to her man! Stop interfering." Jungkook shouted madly. Jk smiled patting his shoulder and turned around kissing my forehead softly. "I am watching him baby. Don't worry. He won't hurt you now." He added and began leaving. I looked at him go and then at Jungkook. 

Jungkook didn't speak as he firmly held my hand and dragged me downstairs after some time. "Sit." He put me in the car and began driving. "Where are we going?" I asked. He didn't respond and played the radio as he rolled down the window. Realizing he won't speak I put my head outside and let the cool air calm my hot head. 

I didn't even realize how quickly I grew cold. Maybe it was the flimsy short dress I was wearing. Heck I didn't even wear any undergarments. I haven't wore once since they removed it yesterday. 

After 45 minutes of driving aimlessly we reached back to his mansion. I had almost forgotten every pain I was getting. Car drives are so good. He opened my door after getting out and picked me bridal style. He pulled me closer as if almost hugging me. I didn't want to but leaned closer due to feeling cold. 
"Wear something warm and have breakfast. I will be leaving now." He added and dropped me gently inside the house. Jk was still there and smiled seeing me quieter now. "I will get busy now. Have a lot of meetings." He added and somewhere my heart clenched slightly. He pulled my head to rest on his chest and kissed the top of my head. "Will miss you a lot." He added and stood up leaving me alone. 

After a few hours I was bored. So so bored out of my mind. 
I walked outside seeing the clear  roads and remembered my wish to dance on wide clear roads. I even mentioned to Mark how badly I wanted a road scene in our MV. Sadly such a concept felt stupid to him. 

Seeing how the weather was still not too hot. I began moving my body to dance like my idol Lisa. She is such a great dancer and I wish I could meet her someday!

I was dancing to lalisa as I sang at times in between. It felt so refreshing. Once I was done with lalisa I began dancing to my own album's cover song. As I was dancing I remembered how I danced this for the brothers day before yesterday. 

Once again all the memories flashed in front of me to the point where I lost my balance and was about to fall back. "AH-" I yelped but was caught midair by the man I didn't expect to see.

"Taehyung?" I mumbled as we looked at each other. 

Do you think Y/n likes any of the men now? Jk, Tae, Jungguk and Jungkook????

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