Ch 27

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"What are you doing to the patient! You are injured yourself. Miss please take rest in your ward!" The doctor suddenly screamed as they firmly pushed me aside and asked me to get out. I strutted away crying and sat outside on the chair along with Taehyung. 

"W-What had happened?" I asked. 
"Jungkook heard you and shot you. When you were unconscious I heard Miss Yui's scream and came running to see Jungkook on top of her hitting her head on a rock. I stood there shocked as she screamed to me for help. Then I saw him shoot her in the chest and couldn't stop myself. I..." He stopped as he looked at me with wide eyes. 

"You what?" I asked with red eyes. 
"I killed him." He said and my furrowed brows went straight with shock. 

"What." I whispered moving back in disbelief. "I always have a gun with me to protect my masters. I killed him there. He was so mad and in rage he didn't see me getting the gun...I..I shot him." 

I couldn't believe my ears. 

"After I checked he was dead, I still sat beside Miss Yui and you for around 15 minutes in shock. Then I realized I have to save you before the masters find us. So I flew the copter to a secret base and got you both here." He added. 

I didn't add much. "But what's the point in killing him...I lost my sister." I added slumping against the wall. It's all my fault, had I not spoken about my pla-

The doctor came out and smiled, "Good news, the patient is alive." He added shocking me. I stood up surprised and covered my lips as I smiled and tears flowed. "Oh my god! Thank you so much doctor. You saved my sister!" I thanked him with tears. 

"But...she is in a comatose state currently." he added shocking me yet again. 
I looked down in despair but then realized...there is still chance. 
She is not dead. She is still alive. 

"Can I meet her?" I asked moving fast causing my back to hurt irresistibly making me almost fall, had it not been Taehyung to hold me

"You must rest in your ward, if you keep moving around I am afraid your wound will reopen. It's been only 3 days." He added shocking me again. 3 days. 
Taehyung took me back to my ward and helped me lie down. 
''Mistr- no miss, what do you plan now?" Taehyung asked. 
"I will run away with Yui for now. Once her parents arrive. For now we need to heal." I added blankly. 

"What will you do?" I asked. "Your sister is still there in the island." I uttered. 
"I have already planned something. When I put you guys here, I returned and burnt his body. I will make up a story how he ran away with you and Miss Yui betraying his brothers." He added. 
"None of the maids saw you?" I asked. 
"No. They rarely get out of the houses. I will serve them to protect my sister. I have betrayed one master, but I must serve the other 2." 

"Why must you return?" I asked sadly. 
"Because I am guilty." He added. 
"I was thinking of hiding this. But since this is our last meet, I want to reveal the hidden fact since miss Yui is thankfully alive." He added as I looked at him dully. 
"I was the one who contacted Jungkook after leaving you both." He added making my eyes go wide. "I...I never thought he would become so vengeful and angry. I just told him that miss Y/n has told me to leave so I am informing you." he added with tears. 

I felt tears trickled down my cheeks as I looked at him with disgust. "I certainly hate you alongside those psycho brothers. We have always been in this condition because you help them. Ever since the first day. You pretend to be good but you helped them rape us and turned a blind eye to our pain and torture. You could've saved us from this misery a lot earlier but you never did. I am saying this because if you can do it now then why not earlier. Why wait till the point where Yui was almost tortured to death. You are a pathetic person and I am not thankful to your help." I said in a normal tone making him cry as he fell on his knees and bowed. "I am sorry miss Y/n. I have always been in a dilemma."

"Save your sister and the other girls before it's too late. Those brothers don't respect women. Don't let her end up like me." I spoke making him look up at me with red teary eyes. 

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