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Author's pov

The entire family flew back to US after the court case and some other formalities were over. Y/n and the rest had just landed and reached the airport where Hoseok was waiting for the duo. Y/n immediately smiled and saw Hoseok with wide arms inviting her for a hug. The girl walked fast and hugged him tightly. After they smiled at each other Hoseok requested that drove Y/n since he wanted to tell something important. The family left, leaving Y/n and Hoseok. 

Hoseok shyly placed all of Y/n's clothes in the car as she asked "Hoseok, you want to say something?" "Um yea I will take you somewhere." Y/n looked at him curiously and they drove together till Hoseok stopped in front of the supermarket where Y/n and Hoseok worked part time together. 

"Hoseok why are we here?" Y/n asked. "Y/n it was here that I fell for you. To be honest I fell in love with you when I spoke to you and we became friends. I often remember this place. But then I remembered my status as a spy. This made me realize I could never pursue a relation with you. I never wish to lie to my lover but I wondered if I told you I was a spy how would you have reacted back then. So I refrained myself and when you began dating Jimin I was heartbroken and thought I lost you. However fate had something else for us. I met you again. As a spy. I learnt of your truth and we investigated together. Slowly I found hope again. I wanted to tell you how I felt and I did. I am so happy I could love you. I found love without having to lie or hide my identity from you. I know we are meant to be. I...If I can ever reverse time I would rather have not meet you than you go through all that torture. I would always choose you becoming an idol than meeting me if I had the-." "Shh." Y/n pressed her hand on his lips. "The past is now past. The people who assaulted me and Yui are jailed. It's all done. Now it's just the future. I can still try becoming a singer." I added softly "But what matters is that we are together now." I explained kissing him on his forehead. 

"Yes we are together." Hoseok added softly and brought a small box from his pocket. "Is that?" I looked up at him surprised. "Yes...will you be my wife Y/n?" He asked kneeling on the ground and exposing a diamond ring. "Yes of course!" I squealed and hugged him tightly not even caring about the ring. 

With that we got engaged. Hoseok supported me with a lot. I tried to give auditions in various singing institutes and my voice was taken in quiet a few singing videos. I revealed my story in public which attracted more and more audience. I didn't become a very popular singer but I was still decently acknowledged. I sang both english and Korean songs. Hoseok left his job as a spy and joined the a nice and rich IT company where he used his skills to work on websites and find information quickly. 

After a few years we wedded each other and happily got married. This was all I could ever dream of after waking up in the hospital that day. I never thought I would come this far and felt blessed to have my family and Hoseok with me. 

All I could ever need was right there with me. 

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