Ch 19

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The day was spent on bed but this time I felt I was at ease and peace. "Lunch is ready mistress, master Jk." A maid added with a respectful bow and left when Jk hummed and dismissed her. He requested her to bring it to bed and began feeding me. "How did you know all you liked me?'' 

"Oh I was the one to like you first." Jk added as he smiled feeding me. "Oh." I added with shock and wide eyes. "Yea, then I would always play your music and songs. I was mesmerized with your smile and wanted you to laugh and smile for me. That's when Jungguk and Jungkook later fell in love with you." He added. 

"I see" I replied after I was done eating that bite. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked. I nodded and he pressed a kiss on my forehead. "Rest a bit. I am calling the maids to accompany you. I will come back later." "No need, don't bother the maids, I will sleep for a bit now." I added. 

"If that's what you want." he added and left after kissing me softly again on the lip. I laid down and quickly drifted to dreamland. 
I didn't really comprehend the earlier ones but in one dream I saw myself with Jk. We were laughing and drinking coffee at a coffee shop. Then I see Taehyung walk in with Jungkook who drags me and pushes me on the bed. My eyes open as soon as it happens as if not even dreams can show my brain what I went through that day.

I looked out to see it was dark and limped towards the window upon hearing some noises. I gasped seeing 2 of the brothers bickering and shouting. But I couldn't make out who. It was still dark and up from the ground. I tried to listen to their words but could only make out. 

"She tried to escape and I know now!" 

Oh that must be Jungguk then. I saw Jungguk barge in making my heart thump hard in fear. I quickly tried limping to close the door but was too slow. Just when I tried to close the door Jungguk roughly pushed it open making me stumble and fall on my bruised ass. I screamed in pain and tried to crawl away. 

"No more! NO MORE." I cried begging. Jungguk picked me up and switched on the lights. "What the- Did Jungkook do this?" he asked Jk. Seeing my bruised body Jungguk's anger almost melted. He tightly hugged me and sighed. "Damn brat. Jk Why did you not tell me!" "It all happened too soon. You were already out for the important deal. Jungkook was too mad. Went too rough on her. Thus I sent him out for the western weapons deal. He needs to get that anger off or else he would've tortured her even more." 

Jungguk tsked and pulled away. "He did her bad but she deserved it....maybe not all of it but she did wrong." He added. "Then we are just scaring and toying with her. That's not we got her here for did we? We want to love and get her love. This is not how we do it." Jk explained as he helped me lay on bed. He spread my legs and applied some medicine on my pussy folds which were torn and abused. "You did say we will not treat her like dad does mom right." Jk asked and Jungguk nodded. 

Jungguk left and I hugged Jk and cried against his shirt. "I don't like Jungguk or Jungkook." I cried out. "I...I only like you." I lied. "Can you not take me away from them? Just you and me?" I begged hoping this would work. I don't dislike Jk and maybe...I can either escape when I am only with him or love him in future. Whatever happens is going to be good.

"No." He hissed pushing me away firmly. "I am very very happy that you like me too. But I-" He tried to continue but I shut him up by tip toeing and smashing my lips on him.

Maybe...I can learn to love him. I will do anything to change his mind and take me away from these brothers this week. 

He leaned into the kiss as his strong arms encircled my waist. He pushed me on the bed as gently as possible making sure the impact didn't bruise my ass. 

He tried to pull away but I pushed his head back with my hands. He quickly pinned my hands on the side and pulled away. "I love you. I love you so much. But I love my brothers equally. I will not betray them. Never." With that he stood up to leave but I held his hand. 

"Please Jk, can't you see how they are hurting me?" I asked. 

"You did try to escape. I also tried to calm Jungkook. Don't put me in dilemmas Y/n. I chose to share you with my brothers. That's final. I will love you with all my heart but will not throw my brothers for you."  He warned. 

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