ch 31

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"Well hello, I have been searching for spicy ramen. You see I am a korean man, so yea." He added with a smile while still talking in English. "Most certainly sir, please follow me." I added as I turned to walk but suddenly slipped back making Jimin hold me. "Are you okay miss?" He asked concerned.

"Yes sir. Thank you and I am very sorry. That was so unprofessional." I added with a sweet sultry voice. "Oh please don't bother miss. Please guide me." He asked with a sweet smile. That's when I realized you can encounter demons wearing angelic smiles.

"Here sir." I spoke politely as I showed him. "Thank you so much- Krista." He added reading my name plate. I smiled widely as I bowed slightly and began walking. On the mirror above I could see him staring at me.

"Well now there certainly is no going back." I whispered lowly to myself. I reached my counter and saw Hoseok smiling at me. I sadly smiled at him. My life will become difficult again. But I must do it.  

Soon it became a daily occurrence, Or should I say daily at first but then he came only on my shift days. That itself proved that Jimin's interests to come here quickly changed. 

Every day he would talk to me and became a good friend of mine. I entertained him with sweet words and a calming voice. After all being a singer in my early or should I say past life did help. 
One day I walked out of the store after shift and saw him standing. I smiled at him and saw him smile back widely. "Hey Krista!" He added with enthusiasm. "Take out?" He asked showing a plastic bag with some food. I nodded as I sat with him in a corner on the stairs. 

After subtly making sure he had the first bite of every dish he got to check if he had drugged any, I ate with him. "So how long are you planning to stay here?" I asked smiling. "Well I will be going tomorrow back to Korea. By the way I never asked this but could I get your number?" He asked. 

"Well you won't be returning here anyways. So what's the point?" I asked softly with a pout. "No not at all! I will come back soon. I actually have to get work done but will be back after a few months. I need your number to get contact with you." He added and I could see him acting genuine for real. 

"I will give you my email then. When you come back again mail me. When we meet I will give you exactly what you want." I added as I rubbed his thighs enticing him. Jimin cupped my cheeks and came closer. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. I shyly looked down almost feeling the urge to throw up at him. "Only when you come back here again." I added quickly pecking his nose and pulling away laughing. Jimin laughed and held my shoulders pulling me closer. 

I almost felt my heart beat uncomfortably in fear yet showed a teasing expression. 
"When I come back, I will make you mine Krista." He added. I smiled and pulled away. 

"See you soon." He added kissing my forehead softly. 
He stood up and I followed him, standing. "Bye." He waved and left. Once he was out of sight, I felt my throat burning. I quickly went inside the store and hugged Hoseok. 

"K-Krista! What happened!" He asked yet all I did was sob. 
"Hoseok, I want to die." I whispered. "Krista what is wrong!" Hoseok demanded to know as he pulled me away holding onto my shoulders. 

"I...I don't if I am doing the wrong thing Hoseok. I hate what I am doing." I added and pulled away rushing to the restroom. I quickly washed my face and rubbed my forehead to remove his lip's stain. "I hate you! I hate you for what you did to my sister! I HATE YOU!" I screamed as I fell on my knees. "Is this even correct. Will I ever get our revenge?" I whispered as Hoseok's bangs on the door drowned down. 


What do you guys think? Is Y/n or Krista doing the right thing? What do you think of Jimin. Does he really love Y/n? Or is he just pretending and knows her secret? What about Hoseok?!

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