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It's been a year since that day. I had fully recovered and Hoseok was also alright. All the secrets of the Jeons have been exposed and today was the final court hearing. I was asked to visit and give my statement. The brothers have been charged with many charges including murder, kidnapping, exporting and importing drugs, taking bribes, sexual assaulting and damage of properties etc.  The case was held in Korea since we all were originally from Korea. So the entire family came back. I remember when we landed on Korea I looked around the airport. When I saw Yui in sunglasses and a mask I remembered my dreams of being an idol. I wanted to be known and thought I will also roam the world doing concerts.

I was happy to know when we pressed charges of Mark for helping the Jeons with my kidnapping, he was charged and has been jailed now. I am glad his entire career was squashed. He is going to be in jail for 8 years since he has done more human trafficking than just selling me to the Jeons.

To be honest I wondered had I never been by Yui's family what would I do? Would I have ever been able to fight back against the Jeons? Maybe not. It became a lot easier because they had money. They could hire Hoseok for me. With me alone...maybe I would've withered away trying to hide in some dingy apartment. 

I was wondering if I will get any charges for changing my identity and creating a fake one but I didn't. Hoseok and Premilux used some tactics to save me from any such case. My parents and all sat in the car. Yui also wore her sunglasses and scarf as a matter of habit. 

"Yui you don't need to hide your face anymore." I added looking at her. "'s alright. I am comfortable." she smiled back. The car ride was entirely silent as we were on the way. I looked out the window as I quietly remembered the past. It's been 3 and half years since the Jeons had kidnapped me. So much has happened with me since the past 3 years. I lost my smile, I lost my happiness. But then my tensed eyes lit up remembering Hoseok. Who would've thought. A wannabe idol and a secret spy being in love. 

I smiled as I held Yui's hand tightly. "It's going to be over now." I said softly and she timidly nodded. I wish some doctor could give us a memory loss pill and wipe out our memories of that fucked up island. But now atleast we can live and think it's ending. 

As we reached the court my heart began beating fast. Because on the other side of the door was  a real face to face battle. No more fighting behind each other's back. Now it's a legal battle. 
As the court door opened there sat the 2 brothers with gloomy faces. While Jk's eyes looked at me with longing, Jungguk's eyes were scornful. 

I just looked at them with a blank face and sat in our seats. "Your Honor, may I request the presence of Miss Y/n to approach the stand and provide her testimony?" the Prosecutor requested. "Permission granted. Miss Y/n, please approach the witness stand and present your statement." The judge replied making me gulp up before standing and going to give my statement.

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