Ch 20

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"C'mon eat up." Jk begged but I didn't show any emotions and sat blankly. If he can act stubborn then so can I. Somewhere deep within me I know he is the type to act very gentle and keep my safety above his anger. Maybe that's why I appreciate his presence when compared to those other 2 crackheads. But if I have to act petty BECAUSE I WANT TO...I will. Screw JK.

"Fine if you do not eat I am not going to either." He added firmly. Yea whatever. As if I care. He stormed off madly sort of scaring me. I wonder what I would've done had he threatened me with Jungkook. 

It was quickly night time and now I started feeling the need to eat. I quit my stubbornness and decided to go downstairs to eat. I saw light coming from Jk's room and stood outside since I could hear some noises. Jk was talking to someone. I carefully cracked some space to hear more clearly. It was Jungguk.

"That's not possible...we did a family check on her and she was the only child!" "I know exactly. Jungkook saw her himself in Japan! He sent men after her and got her captured thinking it was our chick, but no she was not! She just looks...really like her. Like she is her twin. Just like we brothers." Jungguk added.  

What are they talking about.

Considering I am not dumb, it feels as if they are talking about someone who looks like me. But like Jk mentioned I am the only child. I don't have a twin. What are they yapping about. 

"Darling...eavesdropping is bad." I heard Jungguk and immediately jumped in shock. "Come in." he added. I gulped as I entered the room shocking Jk. "I thought you fell asleep." Jk added surprised. 

"Now I am not." I added. "What are you guys talking about." I asked suspiciously. What if they already knew that I was there so making up this story?

"Look at this picture." Jungguk added and showed me a printed picture. For a second I wanted to scream since they are not even showing me any electronic device. Not even a phone!

But then when I carefully looked at the picture I gasped. The girl looked a lot like me! Like her style and hair was very different. Her skin tone was paler and more dry too. Compared to me she was skinny. But her basic features matched me a lot.

So they were not lying. 

"W-Who is she?" I asked shocked. "It's clearly not you isn't she?" Jungguk asked. I shook my head confirming them. 

"I told Jungkook that our girl was with us at Jk's place. But he insisted to bring her here. As her personal sex slave. Currently he has her with him and drugged her so she is sleeping. Basically one who only belongs to him." Jungguk added. 

I felt a pang of hurt in my heart for that girl. I can still bare with them but I can't imagine that girl only being raped by Jungkook everyday. At least Jk  gives me a break...he is still bearable compared to Jungkook. Not like he is an angel. 

"It's wrong." I added with hurt. " jealous there is another girl in place of you?" Jungguk asked smirking. "Shut up! You cruel jerk! Jungkook...he will torture her too much!" I added with teary eyes just imagining her fate. 

"That's not my issue. He caught her so it's his now." Jungguk added. "She is not a fish! What do you mean he caught her and now he can eat her and own her!" I scolded. "What did you just say!" Jungguk stood up holding me roughly. "Enough Jungguk. Let go of her." Jk pulled us apart and hugged me. "Tsk. I love her that's why I am tolerating her this much." Jungguk commented. 

I am very scared for her. But considering she looks so much like me...did I really have a twin? 

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