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The next morning at 9 I saw my phone and checked Hoseok's missed calls. I quickly sat up fully awake. "What the- 12 missed calls!" I quickly called back with a racing heart. 
"Hoseok hello...What happened. Is everything alright." I asked surprised and gasping. "I am afraid it's not Kris..." He added scaring me. 

"W-Why Hoseok...?" I asked with teary eyes. I didn't even know my tears began flowing. These days I have been way too scared. Each day I have dreams of what if the brothers catch me. I just don't want that to become reality. 

" dead." His words struck me like lightening. 
"What?" I whispered. 
"Yes. When I check on the cctv I realized it's broken. I sent a worker of mine to check who said the lodge blasted. We retrieved Taehyung's dead body who was burnt...and we also realized something from the documents. The Jeons make their workers go through a routine when they join the company. They attach a self destroying bombing chip in their spine which can be blasted with a click. This is to kill...betrayers. When I checked into the Jeon's company I realized they found Taehyung to be the traitor. They understood he is either gone or tried to escape with his absence. Thus they...clicked the button." He paused. 

I couldn't process the words. It was as if I am dreaming. "Now I am afraid they will trace Taehyung's death location and find the lodge." Hoseok added. However I remained silent. 
"Hoseok...Taehyung shouldn't have died." I suddenly blurted out, "Yea you are right...I think he had more to say." Hoseok added but I tried to correct him before stopping. He paused realizing what my tone meant. 

"I...I am sorry." he added. "I-I didn't like him much. But I can't deny...yesterday when he said all those words...I was eager to meet him today. Eager to give him a chance for trying to get my forgiveness...I-I probably would've never forgiven him though...I can't get rid of my memories from that island...but-but I-" "Krista, it's alright." Hoseok spoke in between. 

Tears started flowing down. "We can't deny, he was there for you when you needed him." "I don't know." I whispered. "His presence was annoying since he always took me to his masters. But...he never let me die. I can't disagree he gave me a longer life...even if it's full of pain." I added. 
"I...I think you need a break. You know what. Go to france to your sister. That's the best thing you can do. Go there for some days. Right now staying around the Jeons is not safe. You should go." Hoseok added. 

"What about you! You are the one who is doing all the investigation!" I added in fear and concern. 
"I can manage." "No it's not safe. Taehyung died already! I don't want anything to happen to you Hoseok." I added. "So what to do?" He asked. "You also come with us. We can go through those documents together." I suggested. 

After a pause Hoseok hummed 
"Alright. I am also packing up. We will leave tomorrow. I will discuss this with your father as well." Hoseok declared and I nodded sadly. 
That entire day I thought of Taehyung and didn't know how deeply hurt I was for his death. "I am sorry Taehyung. I couldn't fulfill your last wish." I cried covering my mouth. 
"The last thing you probably wanted was to see me again. But the girl you loved doesn't look the same anyways. I am no more a beautiful and charismatic trainee who wanted to be an idol and make everyone like me. I am nothing like Y/n anymore. I am Krista now. A hard and fake person who only lives for revenge. I will never forget your help Taehyung. I am very sorry." I thought to myself as I sobbed. 

"But I won't let your sacrifice go to waste. Whatever you did for me will take me ahead and soon I can defeat my enemy. The Jeons." I thought as I wiped my tears. 

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