Ch 43

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That night Hoseok dropped me home while holding my hand. I stood near the gate and Hoseok smiled. ''I will text back when I reach." He added. 

"Ya." I added with a smile. He came closer softly kissing me again and was about to leave when I held his hand. "Thank you Hoseok." I added. His eyes widened before softening. 
"When I was a child I always wanted to go on a date and have my date drop me home. You know the old-school way. I...I just wanted to have a happy life if not normal. But everything was stripped off me. My dignity, My peace, My happiness. Everything. Today, I felt like I finally lived my childhood dream." I added pulling him close with tears in my eyes. I hugged him tightly as I sobbed. 

"Once everything is over, we will fulfil more dreams. I promise Krista." He added. Suddenly my phone began ringing and I looked over to see Jimin's number. 
My expression went sour and sad as I showed Hoseok the call. He quickly activated an app he had installed which hid location. 

"Pick up the call now." He added. 
"Hi baby~" I added softly. "Hi sweetie how are you doing?" he asked. I had my phone on speaker.
"Great actually. What are you doing?" I asked 

"Nothing too special. Just sending a hitman to France." He added and my expression changed to shock and blank. "Huh?" I whispered. 
"How dare you play with my feelings?" he suddenly asked in a cold voice. "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME! YOU BLOODY BITCH!" He screamed making me gasp so hard that the phone slipped off my hand. 

I didn't even realize I began hyperventilating. "I don't know why you are doing this." his voice boomed through the speaker.  I quickly hugged Hoseok to sort out comfort as my shaking hands couldn't stop. 

"If only I was smarter to know you were part of that fucking Premilux. I could've stopped you before you leaked all our stuff. Now we are going to doom. But I will not die before killing you bitch. You fucking whore! DIDN'T YOU FEEL AN OUNCE OF GUILT WHEN KISSING ME AND MAKING ME FEEL LOVE FOR YOU!" He screamed in agony. 

I wanted to scream back and answer him but my voice was stuck in my throat. I was shaking in fear. The phone was stamped to it's death by Hoseok who held me tightly and knocked on my door. 

Yui quickly opened the door and Hoseok carried me bridal style and carried me inside. I was finding it difficult to breath as I could only gasp Hoseok's name. "Y/n!" Yui's voice called out as Hoseok tried to breath air into me.
Yui was rubbing my palm to comfort me. "I-I don't want to die anymore Hoseok! I WANT TO LIVE! I WANT TO LIVE WITH YOU....YUI A-AND MY FAMILY! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" I screamed as much as I could. 

"I will never leave your side anymore Y/n. You are my responsibility now! We will win this and get justice." after saying that Hoseok pressed his lips on mine again to give me air which calmed me. 
I slowly began taking deep breaths and became silent. 

"Don't worry Y/n I have my men in France too. I had sent them some time back since Yui's father requested for safety purpose. Now they will be used for our safety too." Hoseok explained. 
Yui hugged me and spoke, "You have done a lot for us sister. Please relax now. Dad told me how to formed a fake relationship with...that Jimin." Her hands shook slightly thinking about him. 

"I can't even fathom thinking how you must have felt knowing that failed human raped your own twin sister, yet you had to behave like he was the love of your life." She spoke and tried not to cry at the memories. 
I hugged her tightly. "I don't care anymore. I just don't want my loved ones to be hurt anymore. I can't do this anymore." I whispered against her shoulder. 

Author's pov

The hitman Jimin talked about had just landed and contacted Jimin. "Reached." "Good, the address is on your phone. She is accompanied by a young man. He is also a target." Jimin added with red puffy eyes. 

Once the call cut he clenched his jaws. He found out it was Krista and some guy named J-Hope who were involved in leaking the info. This was told by one of their loyal spy in Premilux. However that spy died too since Hoseok had revealed his identity to premilux. But now that he knows who betrayed him he won't leave her alive. 

He had truly fallen for Krista and wanted to marry her but now he won't let her live another day. I wonder what will happen when he knows Krista is not her real identity. 

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