Ch 47

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"Miss Y/n, before you proceed, please raise your right hand and place your left hand on this holy book. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" 

"Yes I solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony I will give will be truth, whole truth and nothing but truth." I said as I glared at the brothers. 

"Miss Y/n, could you please provide the court with an account of how you were abducted? How did you escape and why did you change your facial features?" The judge asked.

 "Your Honor, I wasn't forcibly taken from my residence or any specific location. I was enticed and deceived by Mark Lee, the CEO of my agency. He convinced me that performing for the brothers was a contractual obligation and me and my team flew to the island owned by the Jeons. As I started performing, I began to feel uneasy about the situation. However, instead of returning with me, they left me stranded on an island. During my time there, I met another victim, who happens to be my long lost identical twin. Unfortunately, she was kidnapped presumably due to our resemblance by one of the late kidnappers, Jeon Jungkook. I have been residing on the island for over two weeks, attempting to find a way to escape. On one occasion, I tried to flee but was overpowered and prevented from doing so. During my stay I was subjected to gang rape and abuse. However one day I managed to escape with my sister with the assistance of Kim Taehyung who was working for the Jeons. According to him, he killed Jeon Jungkook to rescue us. After that I underwent a series of plastic surgeries to try to change my facial features as much as I could to hide from the Jeon brothers. That's all I have to say for now. Thank you my lord."

The judge nodded and called up Yui whose hand I held tightly before she went. She was asked a series of questions too but she bravely answered them. I was still upset seeing her hiding her face. Even in the court as she wore a scarf and sunglasses. Just seeing the brothers made her feel scared and vulnerable. 

After hours the hearing ended and the judge took a break to give us his decision. We were almost sure the brothers will get punished. Their money has been taken by Premilux and police so they don't even have enough to bribe. Moreover all their lies and secrets have been exposed. 

We finally entered the court again when the final judgement was told. "After careful consideration of the evidence presented in this case, I hereby find Jeon Jk and Jeon Jungguk guilty of the heinous crimes of drugs, murder, kidnapping, unlawful retention, and sexual assault. These offenses have caused immense harm to the victims and society as a whole. In light of the severity and gravity of these crimes, it is the judgment of this court to impose a sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for Jeon Jk and Jeon Jungguk. May this serve as a just and appropriate punishment for their reprehensible actions."

And with that after delivering the judgment, the judge striked the gavel on the bench making it the final decision. We all jumped a bit in happiness and clapped. Now not only was the Jeon industry and all it's men in crumbles/jail even my assailants are!
After all it was still court. Now I felt eternally at peace. My problems have been solved. Thank you to all the gods who helped me. Thank you. 
As we walked out the court we were surprisingly silent. We just decided to celebrate with food at home. Just comfort food. But suddenly it began sprinkling which made mom and dad along with me quickly rush for the car. Mid way I looked back for Yui only to see her looking up at the sky as the droplets fell on her sunglasses. "YUI! Come over it's going to pour! Come quick before you get wet!" I screamed. She looked at me and slowly removed her sunglasses and smiled at me. For a second I saw a mirror image of myself in her as I used to smile before. I smiled back and suddenly she dropped her sunglasses and stepped on them harshly making me gasp. 

She chuckled and pulled off her scarf and threw it away on the wet concrete. "Yui?" I whispered as she ran up to me with wide arms. Quickly understanding I held her as she jumped up at me and spined her around. She screamed in happiness and the moment I let her down she held my hand and dragged me towards the center when it began pouring hard. She began dancing in joy as the rain drenched the both of us. I clapped happily seeing her so happy for the first time. Ever since we met I barely saw her smile rather than dance in happiness. It felt like I was living a childhood we never had. I didn't even realize that the Jeon brothers came out in handcuffs and saw us dancing crazy. They were shocked and probably Jk wondered , "Wow never saw her that happy." But yes I was happy. Yui was happy. Our family was happy as they looked at us from the car with tears. Now she has finally accepted her face again. She can go out without having to hide anymore!

  Suddenly Yui slipped and was about to fall when I held her back with wide eyes. But still the girl didn't stop laughing and smiling as she hugged me when I pulled her back up. "I love you Y/n." "I love you too Yui." we whispered to each other in middle of the rain. This is true love. 2 sisters who were together even before taking birth, 2 sisters who probably had no chance of meeting in normal circumstance. I would've never wanted to meet Yui like how I did but I am still glad nonetheless. I am still I met my sister. I am glad I was accepted by a new family. I am glad to find my romantic interest, Hoseok. Thank you god. Thank you so much. 


(It's over guys! It's officially over. If you have ever loved this story then please let me know your thoughts on it. Was it right paced? Was it justified? Did I make Y/n a good protagonist? How are your thoughts on it? Overall feedbacks will be greatly appreciated) 

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