Ch 13

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"You okay?" He asked as he pushed me back up. I nodded as I looked at him with a blank face. "I...almost forgot you were an idol." "I am still an idol. Maybe not the one who performs on stage currently. But still an idol in shape, heart and mind. I can still dance and sing." I answered feeling offended. 

"I am sorry my mistress." Taehyung answered and bowed apologetically. I began walking when he stopped me, "Mistress your dress..." He added pointing out to dress but not looking at me. I bent a bit to look and yelped seeing it had ridden up slightly revealing a bit of my underwear. I quickly pushed it down since he could see my underwear. I was thankful Jungkook gave me a set of inner wears. But then I sighed remembering he had already seen me naked. All the men here have. 

I laughed sarcastically as I mentioned this to him. "Mistress...I would rather not talk about it. You belong to my masters and it was just an accident." he mentioned and I hissed looking at him. I began walking away to the house when I tripped and fell again since I didn't measure the gap between the road and the lane to the house. "Mistress!" He shouted as he ran towards me and quickly picked me up bridal style. "Oh god!" He cried as he rushed in and seated me in Jungkook's room. "Please relax I am okay." I said holding him. "Masters will make my life a hell! They said I should protect you but-" "Stop it. I am fine!" I scolded. 

"You can leave. It's not such a big deal. It's just a small scratch." I added looking at him. However he didn't listen and got me a first aid kit. "Oh god how do you even know where this was?" I asked shocked. "Master Jungkook always fights around with snipers and gets hurt. He also trains which strains his muscles. Thus I take care of him and knew where this was." He answered. 

"I see." I replied as he gently dabbed cotton filled with medicine on my scraped knee. "You are overreacting but thanks for helping me." He nodded as he was done. Before leaving he turned around and added, "Mistress...well nothing leave it." He was about to leave when I insisted. "Y-Your was very nice." He added with a deep blush. 

"Oh, Thank you." I added with a genuine smile. He smiled back and bowed before leaving. 
Well Taehyung isn't too bad. Maybe not bad at all. 

I decided to cook something to pass time since I love cooking. Being a food lover I was also a great cook. I stepped in the kitchen to see 2 maids working. "Oh mistress, did you need anything?'' They asked. "No nothing, I just wanted to cook something." I explained. "What would you like to eat miss we will cook it for you!" One of them asked. "No no I want to cook. I really enjoy cooking besides I wanted to pass some time." 

"Oh, okay if that's what mistress likes." They replied and bowed before leaving. I decided to bake a vanilla cake and asked them if they had ingredients. "Oh yes yes we do have ingredients for a cake!" One of them replied. "By the way what's your name?" I asked her knowing I should make friends with these girls. "I am Mina! Mistress is so pretty!" She added softly making me blush. It felt like I was at a dream fan service and someone told this to me. 

"Thanks. You are so cute yourself." I added softly. "I am Yuna. Mina and I came here together. We have been great friends since childhood." Yuna added softly. I kept them around since I didn't know what was where. Once done I put the cake batter in the oven. I realized Yuna was the quiet yet mature one whereas Mina was a bubbly and sweet one.  

"Have you guys gone back outside the island?" I asked. "No never." They replied shocking me. ''B-But do you not wish to go?" I asked fumbling a bit. "Nope. I don't want to." "Me neither." 

"But why?" I asked confused. "The outside world is torturous and painful. Here we have the freedom to at least laugh and live comfortably. No one will hurt us here. We live very peacefully here. I agree there is nothing much to do here. But we enjoy this peace a lot. We would never want to trade it with the outside horrors." Yuna added. I didn't comment about their past not wanting to instigate any triggering memories. "Okay." I added and dismissed them. 

Once the cake was done I added cream on top of it and decorated it. I smiled when it was done and put it in fridge after having a piece. The rest of the day I decided to walk out and explore the island. I reached the sea and just sat there. 

I was enjoying the breeze when I heard, "You are not planning to jump again right mistress?" I looked around seeing Taehyung and sighed. "No...I am done dying. It's more painful than I thought." He chuckled for a second but stopped when I glared at him. "What about your knee?" He asked. "It's fine." I added. 

"Hey." I called out. "Have you ever liked someone? Here?" I asked looking at him. 
"I would like not to answer that my mistress." He replied bowing down apologetically. 
"I guess that means you do." I retorted smirking. 

He didn't say anything other than staring at me.  "Let's go back. Master Jungkook will be arriving anytime now." 
Once home I decided to set up the table with candles and plates and served a piece of cake on 2 plates. I heard Jungkook enter and looked around to see him enter. However he was not alone. He had Jungguk with him.
I sat quietly on the table and saw him sit down ahead of me. After we both were silent for a long time he began, "Jungguk go home, start working on those files, Mr Bang gave you about the other company." Jungguk scowled as he began, "Enjoy your time." I internally laughed seeing I could do something about these brothers. I can gain control. I did prepare the cake to get on Jungkook's good side for now. I have to be here for 5 more days after all. Once I go to Jk's house I will give him this importance. But for Jungguk, he seems like the weakest of them all. Will first throw him off. 

"I heard prepared a cake and set this up." 
"Hmm." I answered.

"Why?" He asked back. "I don't know. Just...just felt like doing something for myself." I added lying. I looked up see him smiling widely. Something I have never seen him done. "But I call this a date." I smiled as I blushed up at him seeing his eyes widen and a blush form on his cheeks. 

PERFECT! she thought. Even though I am confused myself, I hope this works.

Will Jungkook fall for her trick????  And do you think Jungguk is the weakest? Who does Taehyung like????

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