Ch 16

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Once I was back home I began formulating a plan. Then I remembered one thing she had said. She will be leaving today at 6 pm. Which means it's before the brother's arrival as they usually come at 7 or 8. Which meant I can hide in the helicopter with her...

I looked at the time to see it was 5 already. I decided to sneak off as quietly since the maids take their evening nap right now. I quickly left the house looking around to see if Taehyung was here. I quickly made a run for the before anyone sees me. I ran as fast as I could and reached the departure area. I saw the helicopter there but there was already a guy inside there. 

Shit. How do I get in...

I must be running for at least 20-25 minutes. Feeling extremely confused and dejected, I decided to hide behind a big tree and see if I have a chance. After a few minutes I got an idea and threw a huge stone towards the side where I came from. Maybe that way I can distract the guy inside. To my utmost luck he began shouting, "WHO IS THERE?" and even got out to check. I waited till he walked a bit of distance before taking little careful steps towards the Helicopter. 

However halfway I heard a gasp and voice, "Mistress what are you doing here?" He asked. I blinked as I looked at him and nervously chuckled. "O-oh nothing just came here to see of Mrs. Jeon..." 

He looked at me suspiciously and to change the topic I quickly began , "Y-You didn't introduce yourself...What's your name." I asked sweating. "I am Jimin. Park Jimin my mistress." He said with a bow. I smiled and nodded as I nervously began walking. "S-So when will Mrs. Jeon come...I heard she will come by 6." I added to add more alibi to my words. "It's 5:45 so they will be here any moment." He explained. However the voice of a helicopter above me surprised me and shocked me as I looked up. A helicopter landed at a distance and out came Jungkook and Jk. I looked at them with an open mouth as they looked back equally shocked. Jungkook's expression quickly changed to that of anger making me almost wet my pants out of fear. 

"J-Jungkook...Jk..." I called out nervously. "Jimin! What is she doing here." Jungkook growled as he strode towards us making me nervously walk back. WHY ARE THEY SO EARLY! 
"Mistress says she wanted to see off Mrs. Jeon." Jimin explained a little scared. "Oh." Jungkook added still suspicious. "Quit lying." Jk suddenly added shocking me. He came towards me as he looked at me. For the first time I was seeing Jk so serious and mad. It was as if he was Jungkook. 

"Jk, I really came here to see of your mother." I added trying to sound as confident as I could. "I am not a fool Y/n. In fact among us 3 I am the smartest. You know why? Because I can read expressions at just one glance. You are lying." He added softly but his face screamed anger. 

Tears coated my eyes as I began hyperventilating. "I-I...I-I...J-Jk" I cried as I slowly began chocking on air. "What is happening here?" Mrs. Jeon had just arrived along with Taehyung and questioned. "She claims she was here to see you off. Did she mention such a thing?'' Jk suddenly asks. "No...she never said anything about it." "Liar. If you wanted to meet her then you could've gone to the common mansion. It's closer to Jungkook's mansion when compared to departure area. Yet you ran all the way here...just to meet mom?" Jk questioned. I sobbed as I helplessly looked around wanting to answer back but couldn't find any words. 

I looked at Jungkook's strong palms fisting tightly in anger and lost it. I sobbed loudly covering my mouth as fear overtook me. "Ahh!" I suddenly screamed when Jungkook pushed me down to sit as he stood in front of me. "APOLOGIZE OR I WILL MAKE YOUR SLUTTY MOUTH SUCK MY DICK RIGHT HERE!" He bellowed. 

"THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOU ARE TRYING TO ESCAPE. IF THERE EVER COMES A THIRD TIME I WILL-" He almost came forward at me but Jk held him back. "Calm down Jungkook. Relax. Breath...Breath." He softly spoke. I cried as I hugged myself wanting some sort of comfort. Suddenly I was gently picked up by Mrs. Jeon who softly hugged me as she patted and caressed my back. I let out loud sobs as she continued softly hushing me. ''See...this is why I tell you. Don't try. It's not worth it. Give in. It's just your second time...but I have tried 6 times. Jungkook's father never gave me a chance to apologize like my son is." She whispered. 

"Let her off this time. Don't hurt her much. You all love her right." She added. Jk nodded and Jungkook exhaled loudly as he growled. "We were here to see you mom. Have a good and safe journey back." They added and Mrs Jeon added. She softly handled me to Jk and went to sit inside the helicopter. I gulped as I longingly looked at her. She softly smiled at me before the door closed and Jimin flew away with her. 

As soon as she was out of sight Jungkook tightly grabbed me and snatched me away making me cry out. I looked out towards Jk helplessly but he gave me a pained yet anger look. Jungkook dragged me towards the car and Taehyung quickly sat in. Jk joined sitting beside and the car drove off. 

"I-I am sorry." I cried as I begged to Jungkook. At this point I don't even car the amount of shame I feel begging to them. I just don't want to get hurt. "You are going to get it from m-" "That's enough Jungkook. Mom told to forgive her this time." "NO JK! She is getting spoilt because of you. I will remind her who she is with right now. I forgave her for her slap because I get it I was wrong. But this time she broke the unwritten rule!" 

"Atleast go soft on her-" Jk added. "No! Please Jungkook I am sorry!" I cried. "NOW NO ONE IS GOING TO SPEAK. TAEHYUNG! DRIVE FAST!!" Jungkook screamed as his hold on me grew unimaginably tight.

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