Ch 17

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(THANK YOU FOR 500 LIKES/VOTES AND 3.5K READS. It's been only 18 days to this book. Hoping to see it grow more and more. SO SO HAPPY.)

The car stopped near Jungkook's mansion and Jungkook roughly opened the door and leapt out pulling me harshly with him. "Jk please help me!" I cried looking at him. Jk opened his mouth to say something when Jungkook began, "Don't...Don't Jk. I respect you and the rules. She is mine right now. You can have her day after but not now." He added and slammed the door shut as he pulled my desperate self inside the mansion. I turned around as I walked Taehyung drive Jk. 

"NO!" I cried as Jungkook dragged me towards the bedroom. "I AM SORRY JUNGKOOK PLEASE!" I cried. I looked around at the maids who silently looked at us with fear and shock. He threw me on the floor making me hit my elbow and butt harshly. I cowered as I curled up wanting the earth to swallow me whole. "I am sorry please let me off this time. I promise I will never escape. Please I beg you." I begged with a shrill voice. I had my palms joined together as if praying yet I was begging with all my heart. 

"MINA!" Jungkook screamed. "Yes master!" Mina quickly reached as she bowed standing formally. "IF JK OR JUNGGUK COME DON'T LET THEM IN TODAY." He growled. My eyes widened as I looked down and sniffled. Why is this happening to me!

"Y-Yes master." "And inform all the maids to leave. Don't come tonight. I want the house completely empty other than us." He added making me shake in fear. "Yes master." She added and quickly scurried away.

I immediately held his legs and screamed begs at him. "Jungkook please forgive me. PLEASE." I cried. He roughly pulled me up and sat on the bed. "Strip." He ordered. I bit my lips as I hesitantly stripped. "Come here." He growled making me gulp. "COME HERE BEFORE I SLAP YOU RIGHT ACROSS THE FACE!" He threatened and I quickly made way towards him as more tears spilled. He forcefully pulled me to lay across his lap and harshly fondled my ass cheeks making me wince and cry. Before I knew it he pushed in 2 fingers inside making me cry out in pain. "I-It hurts please stop!" I cried. He remained silent as he was slightly shaking in anger. I remembered the day when I woke up next to him and pulled at his hair making him finger my pussy harshly. This was even more painful.

He pulled out and pushed me on the bed before getting up. "Don't move." He warned as I tried to scurry away. With that he walked out making me fist the sheets. Oh god I wish I get unconscious. 

 I closed my eyes trying to calm down when he returned some ropes and ice cubes. He began tying me up making groan and wince. I didn't fight much knowing it was pretty useless against him right now. After tying my arms and legs like a starfish he jumped on top of me and blindfolded me making me gulp yet again. He suddenly began pinching and groping all over making me squirm and yelp. 

Suddenly I felt vibrations against my clit and his warm wet mouth on my body. He mouthed at any place he could biting and sucking against my neck, boobs and stomach. I squirmed as the vibrator's speed quickly increased. It was a torture not being able to see since it heightened my sense of touch even more. "If you try to escape again I will punish you so so bad. Will put a collar of our surname on that pale neck of yours." 

I came as my moans increased and the vibrator stopped. Jungkook untied me but didn't remove the blindfold. I gasped when I was flipped and felt Jungkook's breath on my ear. "Mom said to go soft on you so I did. Now I will do what I like to." He added sending chills down my spine. He pulled apart my ass cheeks and lined his cock. "Jungkook please not hurts, please." I begged hoping every moment that my prayers are heard. "Shut up bitch. Take what I give you." He added and pushed in making me cry. He entered slowly yet firmly yet it hurt so so much. I screamed loudly as I tried to get comfort but the pain was too much. "Dang, blood." Jungkook murmured making me grimace and squint my eyes. Ofcourse there must be blood. He literally tore me apart. I gritted my teeth to feel less pain but it was hurting as he thrusted in and out. 

"Fucking bitch. You need to know your place. If you escape again I will fuck you till you grow unconscious!" He growled and fisted my hair as he pulled me up to arch. "AHH!" I cried as I tried to free myself but my hands were caught up as he held them behind with his other hand. 

His thrusts grew sloppy as he came inside my asshole making me cry out. He roughly pulled out but I had no energy left to cry or say anything. He flipped me over and roughly started sucking hickeys as he growled "Mine." with every hickey. The hickeys were so painful but my body was focused on making me feel the pain on my lower side. He was thrusting his dick inside my pussy after removing the vibrator. "If you escape again I will chop that pretty hair of yours and feed it to you." He threatened. His threats were scaring like never before. 

He occasionally spanked me hard making me whimper in pain. Once he came in me he left go of my body and picked me up. He carried me all the way outside before dumping me down not even letting me get of comfortably. I yelped in pain as my butt was severely sore and tender. "Suck me right here." He ordered as he forcefully pushed inside my mouth. I tried to push at his thighs to soften the thrusts but he was persistent and didn't listen. He moaned shamelessly as we stayed there nude and vulnerable while his hand forcefully held my head at place roughly. 

His dick was overstimulated too so he came soon and made me swallow his disgusting load. After I was done he walked inside leaving me out. I slowly stood up with pain and sore muscles. I sobbed as the pain was unbearable and limped towards the door. I couldn't even take wide steps because not only my body was assaulted, the long run had caused immense pain to my legs. It took me almost 10 minutes just to reach the door and opened it getting in. I went inside to see the bedroom door locked. I went limping on the other side to the second room and pulled out a soft cotton frock from the cupboard and put it over my head to cover my nude body and laid on the soft covers letting sleep take over my abused body. I really regretted not listening to Mrs. Jeon. 

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