Ch 23

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"Okay, Dismissed." Jk responded and we heard footsteps leaving. "I have a bad feeling about this." I told looking down at Jk. I could see he had a stressed face as he sat up making me straddle him. "Get ready. We will leave in 30 minutes." Jk added. 

After I got ready I just realized I had my first consensual sex as I stood alone in the room. I hugged my body as I looked at the mirror. "Why did it feel exactly like I fantasized my first time..." Immediately flashes of my first day here emerged from within making me teary. 

I felt intimate as I deliberately tried to remember today morning to refresh the memories into something better to replace it. "I wish Jk had approached me on his own. I would've probably fallen for him." I added. It's been 11 days I have been here and for the first time I felt I could actually consent to Jk. 

I walked out and bumped into a tall man and looked up to see Taehyung. "Taehyung, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Master is waiting for you in the car, mistress. I am going to drive you to Master Jungkook." 

I nodded and followed him sitting beside Jk in the car. The car soon drove and reached it's destination. Jungkook's mansion. Goosebumps covered my hands and legs as I remembered that day of brutal punishment. I felt Jk's gentle yet firm hand pull me to get out of the car and dragged me to the mansion.

I was feeling my body get cold not even wanting to meet Jungkook. However there he stood in all his glory. With a magazine in hand. I gulped almost shaking as I clung to Jk. "Oh there we are." Jungguk was also there sitting silently for a very odd reason. 

It was as if he was surprised, confused and overall in a bad mood.

"I have called you all since I wanted my family to see my new pretty pet!" Jungkook introduced happily making me nauseous just looking at him. He looked at me intently as he went upstairs. We waited for some time and soon we saw him return, footsteps descending. 

At first I could realize but as he almost reached the last step I saw he wasn't alone and a lady was behind him but I couldn't see her. He had a lace holding in his hand which was connected behind as if pulling the girl like a dog. As he reached down he jerked the leash making the girl fall on her knees near his feet but behind him. 

That's when my eyes widened. It was that girl! My look alike! I gasped as I saw her condition. She was all bruised up and bandaged. She looked up and her dull eyes almost lit up seeing me. She slowly stretched her hand from her position as she looked at me with hope. I quickly let go of Jk's arm that I was grasping and paced towards Jungkook. It was surprising considering I was afraid of him yet couldn't stop my legs seeing the girl. Jungkook literally had a dog leash on her neck! 

However as I reached the girl Jungkook yelled loudly and pushed me back as he quickly stood in front of her. "Back off! SHE IS MINE!" 

Jk quickly held me from falling and Jungguk stood up and rushed to check on me. "Jungkook what the hell!" Jungguk growled. "This is my pet. She is only mine! No one apart from my men or subordinates can touch her right now!" 

"Moreover, Don't you remember you tried to run away and got punished." Jungkook added. "So if you want to see her you have to see her like this. You can't cross me and see her." Jungkook said with a smirk. "S-So how am I supposed to see her?" I asked with a scared tone. "I don't know maybe you can kneel in front of me?" Jungkook answered making me gulp. I looked down between his legs to see her legs. It were purple and bruised. 

I nodded and went closer as I knelt down sitting to meet my lookalike eye to eye. It was embarrassing how we were seeing each other by kneeling down or lowering ourselves to Jungkook. But only I know how she feels and only she can understand what I feel. We both were victims. Jungkook proudly stood tall and high with wide open legs to show how much power he held on us. 

She looked up at me with dull eyes which grew big seeing me. Tears filled up as her hand stretched again and this time I held her tightly and she began sobbing as she jumped into my arms hugging me like her life depended on it. I also began shedding tears as I caressed her and shushed her. 

"What's your name?" I asked. "Yui." She added pulling away and clutched onto me. "I am your twin sister." She added shocking me yet somewhere I knew this could be the case. 

"We look the same, we have the same biological parents and we...we have the same fate." I added tears rolling down my eyes. 

"No Y/n." Jungkook added pulling me up to stand. "You may have to kneel down at time in front of me. But you are still up here. In my heart." He said. "But she," He added pressing his shoe on her palm. "Ah!" Yui screamed and I immediately tried to get Jungkook to remove his shoe. "Stop you are hurting her!" I argued loudly. "JK Stop him!" I added but Jk didn't do anything. Nor did Jungguk.

"She is down there. A down trodden. A pet who can never stand up higher than me." He insulted as my eyes widened dramatically. 

( do you find the progress? And of course the way Y/n and Yui met.

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