Ch 11

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I could hear Jk sleeping on top of me while still inside of me. Suddenly I felt the urge to go pee. "Jk." I called out. "Jk!" I patted at his back to wake him up. "Wake up I need to pee!" I shouted. Suddenly the door slammed open making me jump. Jungkook stood outside making me feel extremely uncomfortable. Jk was still balls deep inside me although the dick had softened. "I..I need to pee Jungkook." I added looking at Jungkook. He was wearing a buttoned shirt with 3 buttons open and loose pants. He grunted and came towards us. He picked Jk off of me and pushed him towards the side where he still slept. I sat up when he began, "He is a deep sleeper. Doesn't wake up despite screaming. So we have to throw water on his face." He added. 

I nodded and stood to go pee. Once I returned I saw Jungkook still there. I walked towards the small satin dress I wore despite knowing my body was exposed many times in front of him. Does he also want to have sex. Oh come on...not anymore. 

"You enjoyed it with him didn't you." Jungkook suddenly asked while I was putting on the dress. My eyes widened and I turned around to look at him. 

"Don't even dare-" "Yes. I did." I answered shocking him. 

''I...I don't know why but I enjoyed it." I added looking at him with a blank look. Wow...can I create a rift between these brothers like this?

But to my surprise Jungkook smiled softly. "I am glad." He added. "Finally you are opening up to us." He added. What the...that was the first time I saw Jungkook smile so softly. He looked just like Jk. 

"No...I-I" I mumbled but he came closer and softly held me making me gasp. "One day. You will enjoy being with me too." He added and kissed me on the lip softly. No don't do this. Stop being confusing! I can't deal with this. 

He pulled away and ruffled my hair getting my eyes wide. Stop being like JK! 
My mouth fell open when he smiled widely and left with a flying kiss. 

"T-That can't be Jungkook! W-Was it Jungguk..?" I asked myself. 
I walked towards him and quickly held his hand. "Who are you?" I asked. "What do you mean who I am? I am Jungkook." He added. I looked down surprised when he suddenly laughed. 

"Oh god I love messing up with you." He suddenly spoke making me look up. "Sexy." He suddenly added shocking me. 
"J-Jungguk." I whispered. He quickly picked me up and  walked to the bathroom where he sat me on the huge washbasin. Coming in between my legs he looked up at me sexily. 
"At first I just wanted to fuck you but then when you called me Jungkook, I played along. You should've guessed early baby. Jungkook doesn't wear buttoned shirts. That guy stains expensive shirts with blood all the time. But then today Jungkook was frustrated. Told me how loud our sexy bitch was moaning for Jk and not for him. I continued the play to scare you when I confronted you about you enjoying with Jk more than with us but your answer baffled me. That's when I tried to imitate Jk's lovesickness towards you." He explained.

"But why?" I asked as he nuzzled his head against my soft breasts. "I said it. I love messing with you." He added before kissing my collarbone. I didn't even flinch as I stared down at him with disappointment. I thought Jungkook was the worst. Maybe Jungguk is. 

He also made me vomit. Asshole. 

He then pulled away smirking. "I will not fuck you now." He added. "Not today since I am satisfied with this look. But I will come soon again. When the third week comes you will be chanting my name. That week I will ravish you so much that you will forget about the previous two." He added pinching my nipple making me hiss. 

"Are you jealous." I asked. He turned around looking at me. "Jealous of Jk?" I asked. "Oh sexy bitch." He groaned with his lower lip bitten. Goosebumps came over when he came closer and pulled me down to stand. I looked up realizing how tall he is. "You are so naive. If you were trying to get us to rift apart. You are wrong. We will own you equally. And you will have no choice but to love us back." He suddenly leaned closer. "Equally." with that he walked away chuckling. 

  Just when I thought I can survive he came and ruined it for me.
But if he thinks he can apply the trick of confusing me again. It will not work. 

The next morning I woke up to Jk's kisses against my cheeks and lips. I was still half awake but woke up completely when I felt him blowing air against my belly over my dress making me cry out and arch my back. I quickly pushed him away and sat up. He chuckled loudly as I blushed. "Stop that." I replied firmly yet my voice was soft. "Oh baby you bet." He quickly jumped on me and pushed me down to lay on my back as he pulled the dress up to reveal my navel and began blowing raspberries on my belly button making me cry out yet laugh as well. He made obnoxious farting sounds on the sensitive skin which I hated yet he continued till he pulled away and began tickling my sides making me laugh and try to pull away even more. 

"Okay okay I am stopping I am stopping." He shouted and spooned me gently while I panted. His hands still touched my belly. He rubbed softly over my stomach as if trying to calm me down. He kissed my ear and smiled against my neck. "Jk." I called out. "Hmm?" He hummed against my neck. "Is there a way I can recognize you brothers?" I asked. I mean it's just been 2 days being there. 

"Yes , as you can see I have the most tattoos. I have very deep and detailed tattoos. Jungkook has tattoos too but his ones are less. he only has rose and butterfly tattoos on his neck.
Jungguk on the other hand is tattoo less with no tattoos and has a mole on his chin. He also has a big patch on his left chest right above his nipple. Jungkook got a big scar on his stomach due to a bullet wound. I have a mole above my lips." 

"Oh." I replied back. "Why do you ask?" He suddenly turned me around. Just then the door opened and this Jungkook stood. He was shirtless and wore a loose pant. Thankfully I could see his tattoos and scar. "Jk get out now! You had your fill." He growled. "Okay okay don't bark." Jk laughed softly before leaving. I internally sighed knowing I will be fucked in the morning too now.

Do you think Y/n did the right thing being obedient? What would you do if you were there in her place????

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