Ch 44

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A few days passed since that day and slowly my guard was lowered. Hoseok stayed with me and continued to give me updates. Turns out the Jeons have left and even he doesn't know their whereabouts. 

I have a feeling they are here in France. He agrees to it too. Their company has suffered a great loss and the local mafia and police are after them. The Jeons are almost finished. 
One morning after breakfast Hoseok spoke, "Y/n I think it's time." I looked up at him in confusion. 

"We should go live and reveal your story. That will put the Jeons under more pressure." "But Hoseok we are still not sure with the Hitman story. I don't think we should make a move before that person is captured." Hoseok nodded slowly as he was in deep thought.

"Damn it, I just don't understand how long is the Hitman hiding. Where is he or she? When will they strike. If only I knew some lead." Hoseok argued frustrated. Suddenly a sharp sound cracked and Hoseok's face blanked. 

It was as if everything became slow at that moment. Hoseok fell off the chair with a thud and I heard a deep feminine voice. "I am here." With that a masked lady emerged from our cupboard shocking me. "H-Hoseok!" I screamed and tried to reach him but he placed his hand up to stop me. "R-run." Hoseok instructed. That day the house was empty as mom and dad went with Yui to get her checkup done. 

I quickly dashed towards dad's room where he keeps his gun. Thankfully I closed the door before she could reach and grabbed the gun. I wanted to stay there but knew Hoseok was out there bleeding. She had shot him. I have to protect him. I silently walked out of the room to see the hall was empty. I could see Hoseok's body struggling to get up and felt tears coat my eyes. 

"Why...Why why why WHY!" I screamed. "Y/n" Hoseok whispered. My grip tightened on the gun as sobs erupted. I was scared and confused. Where did she go. I silently approached Hoseok while occasionally looking everywhere. 

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW BAD THE PEOPLE YOU AM WORKING FOR ARE! THEY REPEATEDLY RAPED ME! ISOLATED ME! Almost killed me and my sister! You are a girl right! SO WHY! Why are you doing this to me! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR GOD'S SAKE!" I cried as my head was spiraling. 

"Y-Y/n...." Hoseok whispered. 

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me and quickly turned around jumping at her. I strangled her and held both her hands in one of mine and threw away her gun far from her reach. I opened her mask and was shocked to see the familiar face.

"You?" I whispered in shock. She tried to take advantage of my shocked state but anger overtook me. I quickly held her back and saw her red eyes staring at me in anger. 
"It was all because of you." She barked back. 

"How could you do this? YOU FUCKING KILLED HIM!" She screamed in anger. I just stared at her with wide eyes. I wanted to help Hoseok but if I let her go she will kill us both. I looked back at Hoseok to see him able to stand with much difficulty. "Hoseok use the phone!" I instructed and turned to face our assailant who spat at me. 

"WHY DID YOU KILL MY BROTHER! I thought you weren't so bad...Mistress." Aeri cried. 
"SHUT. UP. I didn't kill Taehyung! Your beloved masters did!" I answered back after wiping my face. "BUT IT WAS YOU! You who captured his heart. I begged him so much to not go against our masters but he fucking killed master Jungkook. Then he saved you but he went further down the hill. It was all because of you. I lost my only family." She cried. 

"Hoseok did you call?" I asked and he began "P-Please come home...I have been...shot." Hoseok whispered into the phone and I felt relief push over me. "I didn't ask for any of that too. I was kidnapped and abused for so long. I understand your pain but aren't we fighting over the same enemy. The Jeon brothers." 

"I don't care. All I know is that now I must kill you." She answered. "I didn't know it was you and came for the purpose of killing my brother's killer. But when I heard him call you Y/n, everything started making sense. After I invaded your house and learnt of your identity I was enraged and spoilt my own plan of drugging you in sleep. But now it's all over Mistress. Now you all will die.'' 

"No, I won't let anyone steal my life from me anymore. Now I am done with that!" I cried back. "Don't worry mistress I will die too. Just like brother did." She answered back and closed her eyes. My eyes widened and I quickly let go of her to hold Hoseok. She was a servant too! She must have that chip too!

I quickly held Hoseok and was about to leave when I felt the shot too. My back was pierced with the shot and turned around to look at her staring at me with a gun. However I didn't let fatigue over take me as I dragged Hoseok with me. Once we left the house, I saw dad and mom who were on the street driving in the car. It was as if seeing them made me feel a sense of relief and fell in front of them. 

Father quickly helped us in the car and we drove away. Just as we were driving our house blew off with an explosion. I could see it with blurred vision as tears coated my eyes. 

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