Ch 22

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Jungkook returned to her abused and used body. She curled up as she cried her heart out. Seeing her crying reminds him of Y/n and his cold eyes softened. He sat down and gently picked her up placing her on his lap. She was too worn out to protest and squinted her eyes as she blurted, "Kill me...please." "Maybe I will. Not now." Jungkook added. 

He softly combed her hair as she looked up in shock and confusion with a hint of anger. "Do you know you are my lover's twin." He added shocking her. "She is your lover!" Yui asked in shock and surprise.

"Yes her name is Y/n. Seems like you know she is your twin sister." Jungkook asked holding her tight. "I know of it. Our mother gave birth to both of us but being very poor they couldn't afford both of us...that's why they sold me to a Japanese family who needed a girl child. My Japanese parents told me that when I was young." Yui added almost forgetting her current situation. 

"I see." Jungkook said smirking. "But she is prettier and looks more appealing than you." Jungkook teased. Yui's face dropped with anger. "Yes she must be but you for sure but you are a jerk and monster!" Yui added before spitting on Jungkook's face. Jungkook quickly dropped her harshly making her yelp in surprise and pain. "You bitch!" Jungkook added wiping her spit and began kicking and stomping on her. He straddled her and began chocking her. "You don't get it do you bloody bitch? You are a second hand piece of shit! Even your parents sold you and kept Y/n. You are a reject piece!" Jungkook growled with red eyes. 

Yui's eyes widened with hurt and hidden pain. She never really hated being adopted. In fact she loved her parents dearly. But the way Jungkook worded his insults strung her heart.

''How could you- No! I don't give you the right to ruin my life!" Yui screamed as Jungkook's hold had become even more tight. Yui began coughing. "Can't think much now right bitch...clearly good. I like you dumb and fuckable." Jungkook added as he harshly bit her cheek making her bleed before biting her lower lip making it bleed too. 

"I am taking you home now." He added as Yui curled up covering her bleeding face. "To our secret island." He whispered into her ear before pressing the drug syringe into her neck as she struggled a bit before passing out after a few minutes. 

"Taehyung." "Yes sir." "Strap her in the copter, I am coming in 15. We are returning to our little paradise with my new pet." 

Taehyung nodded. 
Taehyung used to think Jungkook thinks of Y/n as his sex toy. Clearly he was very wrong. In front of how he is treating Yui, Y/n is clearly the precious love of his life that he shares with his brothers diligently. 

Taehyung felt extremely bad for the girl as he gently picked her. Before taking her to the helicopter he checked her body for injuries and quickly aided them with ointment. He caressed her body as if wanting to comfort her and dressed her in a softer and breathable frock before taking her to the helicopter. Jungkook reached in some seconds and the helicopter left. 

Jungkook looked at the band aid and new frock and glared at Taehyung who visibly didn't show any fear but inside was scared. "Don't grow too attached to her. She is a pet, but she is still my pet." 

"Yes sir." Taehyung wanted to explain more but decided to stick to the 2 words knowing how volatile his boss can be.


The next day I woke up to Jk's soft kisses on my lips. He smiled seeing me as he kissed further down nibbling a bit on my neck and raising my shirt to suckle on my boobs. I shyly looked at his head as he continued. Moving onto the other boob I began feeling ticklish so I gently pushed his head away. He chuckled moving lower as he trailed kisses down my stomach. I turned my head to the side feeling baffled as he continued kissing my belly which was apparently his favorite place to kiss me. "Stop." I asked him to but for the first time I wanted him to continue. He of course didn't as he instead blew notorious raspberries on my belly button making me jerk up and laugh unwantedly. 

I really began imagining us being a normal couple waking each other up with kisses. Somewhere or the other I could say Jk was gaining my soft spot. Physically and emotionally. He began licking at my navel and I had to suppress my moans. "Too much.." I added as I felt my pussy getting wet. Only Jk could make me wet amongst the three. 

He pulled away and began sucking a hickey just above my wet navel making me moan loudly. I tried to push his head away at the sensitivity but he easily held my hands down and intertwined our fingers. Once the hickey formed it's dark color he let go of my chubby skin and finished with a final kiss on the side. I was almost gasping. His belly kisses always get me. 

He pulled away and made me sit up. Opening his jeans he let his dick go free, "Touch me Y/n." 
I hesitated for a minute but then caressed his chest and abs making him smile. I began kissing his beafy chest muscles and trailed down his abs while fisting his cock. I couldn't stop myself from pushing my hand down my underwear when he caught my hand and pushed me on the bed. 

He pulled away my pants and underwear and thrusted his dick in. He switched the position so I was on top of him and lifted me and thrusted me back in while I held his arms for support and arched in pleasure. Soon I gasped when he took my nipple in his mouth and suckled making me orgasm. 

Suddenly the door was knocked. He pushed my nipple out of his mouth and began, "What is it?" 
"Master, Jungkook master is asking you and Y/n mistress to be present in his mansion within the next hour." 


So what do you think of Yui? And what's your thoughts on Jungkook and Yui? Jk and Y/N?

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