Ch 34

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"Y/n why did you gather us in the hall like this??'' Mom and dad asked as Yui looked at me silently yet curiously. "I...I met them again." I said with a shaky voice as throat hurts. "Who-wait...are you talking about-" Mom asked and covered her mouth. Dad looked at her confused and suddenly understood. He quickly stood up. "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! T-THEY WERE IN KOREA RIGHT?! W-WHY DID THEY COME HERE?!" He shouted in shock and despair. 

Yui understood and stared at her father in shock then at me. "Yes. I saw both the brothers. Jk and Jungguk. But they don't recognize me. Moreover they are referring to themselves as twins. Maybe Jungkook really did die and they think he ran away...what if they came here searching for him?" I spoke. Even talking about them made my body shiver.  

"I don't care what they came here for. You both shouldn't be here! Our business has also branched in Europe so I will probably shif-" "Dad. Korea and America have more distance. When they can come here, what are the chances that they won't go to Europe?" I asked with tears forming. Mom came and hugged me. "What do we do now?! Why did they come here?" Mom asked. 

"AHHHHH!" Suddenly Yui screamed. "T-THEY CAME HERE! THEY WILL TAKE US AGAIN! WHAT DO YOU WE DO!" Yui cried as she madly hugged herself. "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO THAT HELL HOLE AGAIN! NOOOOOOOO'' She cried. I quickly came and hugged her. ''Shh I am here Yui. They won't take us again. I am sure of it." I comforted. I didn't talk about Jimin. If I do I am sure Yui will go berserk. Jimin raped her too. I remember he respected me when we met once while I tried to escape, but it doesn't change the fact that he is a evil bastard.

What do I do. Running away is not an option anymore. But I fear for Yui. They can instantly recognize her. Therefore I said it. 

"Mom." "Will you go with Yui to France?" She looked at me shocked. "Yui shouldn't stay here. Dad has a branch of business that his cousin brother and your relative are managing. It's a place where Yui can live safely. Dad and I will stay back here. Moreover here plastic surgery on her is not happening. Maybe we can try in France?" I explained. 

"I want to live with you." Yui added softly as she begged me. "But I can't risk them seeing you. Both the Jeons are here. Jimin is here too. I can't risk it my love." I added with tears to Yui. 
"You must go Yui." Dad also added. "It's best if you both go. At least as long as Jeons are here. Only return when your face is changed a bit." Yui silently cried listening to her father. 
I thought she finally recovered but here we go. I wish I could kill the brothers. The moment the thought struck me my eyes widened. 

Tears formed in my eyes as I took in a deep breath. If only life could give me a break. 

What ever I will do I shall do it soon. Somewhere or the other I wish to become a journalist and expose them. However now that I study it I know evil rich men like these can easily get small people like me buried 6 feet under. But I will do anything needed. To get my justice. 

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