Ch 5

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The next moment I opened my eyes. I was all alone. It was night time and I saw a cupboard in the room after switching on lights. I quickly opened it to see some shirts and dresses. They look feminine and something not these brothers will wear. 

I wore one of the comfy cotton dress that was comfortable on my tingling naked skin. I gulped as I looked at the balcony and opened the door. The room had a small balcony which I thought of leaping. But then I remembered I am in an island that belongs to these men. No one will help me here in fact if I escape I might get raped in the open grasses. Just thinking about today morning sent chills down my body. I could feel bile rise in my throat as I soothed myself. 

What to do. I looked outside to see the hallways were bright and there was chitter chatter. I slowly tip toed outside and saw a young lady coming towards the hall. I quickly ran to her and she smiled as she bowed. "Hello mistress. I am Kim Aeri. Did you have  a good sleep?" She asked. "Save me. I have been kidnapped and forcefully kept here!" I said in a lower tone so as to not involve the brothers. 

"Yes mistress I know." She added shocking me. "W-Will you save me?" I asked hoping for an answer. "No. I am going to prepare your bath like third master has ordered."  She said went on to leave. "Wait please don't do this! Who is the third master?" I begged holding her hand. "Master Jungguk. I am in no position to help you. Our lives have been purchased by our 3 masters. I am not willing to do anything that they don't order me to." She added and continued on her quest to leave. 

"Wait plea-" "Mistress." I heard a deep familiar voice and looked the other side. It was Taehyung. My lips clenched remembering he caught me and how he was there witnessing my assault. "Master Jungguk is wai-" *SLAP*

"I hate you! You are the worst!" I cried as I hugged my body. "Why didn't you let me go. Because of you I am stuck here!" "Mistress, our lives have been purchased. My sister and I both belong willingly to our masters. You may slap me as many times as you want but I will do everything my masters order me to. Right now I am asked to fetch you so I will." Taehyung added and bowed with a straight face before he held my hand firmly and began dragging me. "No stop!" I cried as he dragged me all the way upstairs and opened a door. I was met with a beautiful balcony and a big designer jacuzzi. It was big enough to fit 6-7 people. Jungguk sat in there all naked as the soapy water covered his stomach and lower.  

"Hey sexy I was waiting for you!~" Jungguk added as he stood up all naked. I quickly looked away feeling ashamed and scared. Taehyung let go of me and turned to leave. I knew trying to leave just meant more hurt and aggression so I didn't move as I looked away. 

I could feel Jungguk follow from one end of the jacuzzi to other where I stood close. He held my body as tears streamed. "No more...please." I begged with closed eyes. "What are you talking about? I am just going to bath with you. It's just an innocent request." He said kissing my cheek softly. He pulled my dress over my head and threw it away. "Since you are wearing this I assume you saw the cupboard in Jk's room." He said as he gently dragged me into the jacuzzi. The water was warm and just so right. I sat down along with him and tried to slither away when he was trying to press against me. However the man quickly back hugged me keeping me in place. 

"I love you." He said and it sounded so sincere. I almost gaged and wished I could vomit. "Why are they calling you third master?" I asked after a few minutes of being silent. I still didn't face him and rather looked at the beautiful island in darkness. 

"I am the last born among us three. Jk is first , Jungkook is second and I am the youngest." Jungguk added. I didn't speak after that and soon Jungguk continued talking. 
"What do you like eating? You will be eating dinner with me since Jk and Jungkook are busy. I heard from Mark you like chicken." He added licking my ear. I almost grimaced but felt like my body was so used to these men. "I do..." I added with a whisper. 

"Cool I will get your favorites ready" He announced kissing my hair gently. 

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