Ch 36

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"What are you thinking?" I asked dad after I told him all the truth. "He is sadly more dangerous." He added. "Based on what you are saying, I can't understand his personality. Is he a friend or foe." Dad asked worried. "Exactly my thoughts. I have seen him throughout my time in that hellhole. But never once did I understand what he actually feels for us. Who was he loyal to? Nothing." I added. 

"We must still be very careful. You will only go to your internship and come straight home. Try not to meet into that man. Although he saved you and Yui back then, his current intentions are unclear." He warned. "Yes dad." I answered back looking down. My hands had gone cold. I took in a deep breath and prepared myself. 

"I just wish for my family to be safe." I whispered. Dad sadly stared at me before walking off. As he left I got Jimin's call on my second phone. I had one extra phone with my IP address changed. I gave that phone's number to Jimin. 

"Hello~" I faked with a sweet voice. "Hi darling! It's been so long! Want to meet up?" He asked. "Sure works! Shall I come to your office?" "Yes honey, I will be awaiting your presence." Jimin added. 

"Alright wait for me." I included and got ready. I might see Taehyung there...depends on the situation. I still don't know what's happening with Taehyung. Somewhere deep inside my head I imagined him to be dead or chased for killing Jungkook. But now is the perfect time to know if he really killed Jungkook. 

I dressed up and left out to his office, ready to face not only Jimin but Taehyung if needed. 

I reached the office and stood outside gulping. "Calm down Y/n." I thought to myself. "Krista!" I heard my name being called and looked towards the direction with a smile which slightly strained upon seeing him with Taehyung with coffee mugs. 
I really wonder what is the meaning of this? Is Jungkook really dead. 

"Hi baby I missed you." Jimin said softly and hugged me. I avoided looking at Taehyung and tried to make it as professional as possible. "Hi Jimin, who is he?" I asked casually trying to smile. "Oh this is Taehyung my work friend. We got out to go to the canteen and grab some coffee." he added. "I see." 
"Nice to meet you." Taehyung added and stretched his hand out. I looked briefly at his hand and smiled at him. "Nice to meet you too." I added shaking his hand. 

His smile faltered for a second making my heart beat faster. Although I didn't really expect him to pull away suddenly and turn to Jimin. 
"Alright then, you enjoy your time with her. I will see you around." He included and pushed his hands in his coat pockets before leaving. I let out a breath of air and hugged Jimin, hiding my face into his coat to hide my real emotions. I feel so conflicted. 

On one side I wish I could abuse and curse him for all those days of torture he let me go through...but then again...he didn't directly hurt me. Yet-Yet I really dislike him. 

"Let's go baby." Jimin added and pulled me inside. 
After stepping in his room, I indirectly tried to scan and look out for the drawers in case I could get my hands on any confidential files. Jimin chatted about his work and mentioned a few projects he is working on. I heard him clearly and focused on his words while noting down mentally some points. 

I swiftly questioned him too to gather more points. Kudos to being a journalism student. 
He didn't reveal any confidential matter but certainly spoke more about the industry and their way of working. "Ah I spoke so much." Jimin added while smiling. "Oh dear, shall I get you some water?" I asked softly while chuckling. "Oh that would be great. The water tank, It's right outside on the right of this hallway. Did you see it or shall I get it?" He asked. 

While I was tempted to stay and search for documents or clues in his room, I decided it's a bit early now and said, "Don't worry honey, I got this." With that I left and saw Taehyung already filling his bottle. I felt a churn in my stomach and approached him from behind slowly. I wanted to run away and hide my face from him, I mean although I look very different...It's still me. I may have become Krista...but I am still Y/n.

I took in a deep breath and said a small hi while filling a bottle for Jimin. He responded back with a tiny hi and looked at his big bottle being filled. I noticed his phone on the water tank but didn't really bother much until a notification popped up. The notification was not what shocked me. 

It was the wallpaper. A picture of me sitting in front of the sea from behind while still in the island. It was taken from behind showing my back and hair flowing in the air. 

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