Ch 37

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After a brief moment I saw him staring at me and then his phone. I quickly composed myself and smiled. "Is that your girlfriend? She is pretty." I added casually. 
"No...she is not my girlfriend." He added silently while staring at my picture. I felt a weird sensation in my throat which made it hard to even swallow. "Oh so who is she? Family?" I asked. "Someone I really care about. I love her. But-" he stopped as he trailed off. My eyes widened as I didn't even realize when I asked
"But?" "I am sorry, but I wouldn't want to disclose about her any further." he added before smiling a doing a tiny head bow before leaving. 

Love. What.

I stood there not even realizing I was blankly staring into space as I held my fully filled bottle. "Krista?" I suddenly heard Jimin's voice. I quickly turned around almost losing balance. "Baby are you alright?" Jimin suddenly asked. 

"Ya Jimin. I just don't feel very good all of a sudden." I made up as I smiled up at him. "Come to my room, let's get you rested." he added and guided me carefully. Taehyung's words reverbed in my mind constantly. Love it seems. My teeth clenched hard as I leaned on Jimin.  

These men don't even know the real meaning behind love. Casually saying they love me while making my life a hell. My body wanted to let out tears so bad yet all I could do was smile and smile. I didn't even have the right to scream and cry like Yui. All I could do was put up a fake façade. I have to be strong. Not only for myself but for Yui too.

Somewhere deep within, I just wanted someone to hug and tell me it will be alright. 
I just want to sleep well and not fear a new kidnapping.

In his room my eyes fell on the key. I had a plan and silently took a bathroom break. I put in a soap bar from the cabinet and hoped I could get some minutes alone to get it's imprints. 

The plan went well since an hour later he did go for a bathroom break. Well probably because I have been subtly making him drink water in between. He couldn't refuse me so kuddos to that. I quickly checked for any cctv and took the imprint like I wanted. It was quick and then I wiped it off to leave no trace of the soap. I also checked his drawers and found a document. I skimmed it over and noted a name. The rival company's name. 

After that I left soon. Jimin hugged me and kissed my cheek before dropping me in the main road from where I took a cab. Reaching home I gave father the soap and told him about Jimin. He was shocked and even traumatized. "How are you even pretending!" He gasped. I couldn't help but go emotional. He became worried but I knew I had to do this.  "My child they are dangerous, don't do this." "Yes dad. I won't do it." I added. 

"We will hire a spy." 

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