Ch 28

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It had been an hour and Taehyung was gone. I sat beside Yui smiling softly at her. "Once we are free, let's have food together." I said softly "I am very sorry Yui-" I was speaking when suddenly the door opened and an elderly couple stood in front of us. 

"Yui! Oh god!" The woman shouted as she quickly hugged Yui. The older man came towards me with a shocked look. "Honey, she really looks like our Yui." He whispered with a soft voice and concerned eyes. 

The woman looked up at me and breathed out in worry. "How are you feeling dear?" She asked softly. I looked down tears welling up. I clammed my palms together begging for forgiveness. "I am very sorry, Yui suffered so much because of me." I cried. The lady quickly engulfed me into a hug. "I...I don't know much. But Yui had called and told me about you. She said you were there in that hell for much more time. Please don't apologize my child. Had your parents offered you, you would've been our dear baby. So considering that you are as much of a child to me as Yui. You have suffered equally or more." She consoled and I broke down.  

Yui's father gently kept his hand on my head and added, "Do you have a home to go?" I shook my head. "I had ran away to become an idol. I want to go back...but maybe my parents won't keep me." I added knowing how disappointed they were in me. "Dad had arranged my wedding with an older guy to get rid of his responsibility a.k.a me. Thus I ran away. I know they won't accept me now." I included with tears. 

I had such huge dreams but now I can never become an idol. If I ever come on screen, the remaining Jeons and their men will hunt me down and god knows what they will do now. They have Jungkook's death as a reason too to torture me. 

"Come with us." They added together. "The four of us will leave this country in a week or two. Staying here is not safe." Her dad added. 

"No." I said sadly refusing their offer. "They had taken Yui because she looks like me. If I follow you, I will only bring more danger to your family, especially Yui. I must go alone." I answered. 
"No we are not leaving you like that. Please understand Y/n. If we let you go, Yui and we can never forgive ourselves. And they will surely target Yui even if they get you. So it's safe for us to be together and away from Korea." He added making me nod in shame. I knew I can't survive alone, yet a part of me didn't want trouble for them. 

"You are not responsible for this misery my dear." Yui's mom added touching my heart so deep that I broke down into tears.

 Yes...she is right. I am not responsible for this mess and I must accept it. The brothers, their men, Taehyung were responsible. The victim is not wrong. I was kidnapped, raped, abused. I am not the assailant. Not just me but every victim must understand, we are not at fault. It's them. It's them with their demonic intentions who see women as a piece of meat to chew and play upon. It's them not me!

Just you wait Jeon Jk and Jeon Jungguk. Once I am capable enough, I will face you and avenge mine and Yui's pain. 

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