Ch 40

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Days went by and I patiently waited. I would only meet Jimin outside his office to ward off suspicion on me and he seemed stressed. When I asked him he said someone broke into their office and they can't trace because of lack of cctv footage. I pretended to be worried and shocked whereas I knew Hoseok and I were behind it. 

However Jimin seemed more and more interested in me. At first I was worried he suspected me but then I realized he truly came to love me. Somewhere deep within I pitied him. But I knew he did a very big crime which can never be reversed. Thus I always remembered Yui's screams when she first saw Jimin in USA, to remind myself to keep my revenge mindset fresh. 
I didn't get to see Jeons and was wondering about asking Jimin, but I refrained myself. 

On one such day Hoseok was there in a secret decided location and gave me a pen-drive. 

I quickly reached home and connected the drive to my computer. I first read a word document he sent. "This video is of the person who is double crossing the Jeons. Let me know if you know him." 

I clicked on the video he had added and began watching. There I saw a person secretly removing some documents. I looked closer to see the person's face. My eyes widened upon seeing Taehyung's face. 

My lips opened unconsciously as I connected piece after piece. He did shoot Jungkook to save Yui. I was already unconscious at that time. 
I had conflicted feelings and quickly dialed Hoseok's number through a new and special sim. 
"I know him. Do me a favour. Take him." I added with a blank face. 
"Take him?"  

"Kidnap him." I added. The line went silent for a while before Hoseok began, "I can get it done. But are you sure. It can be risky." He included. 
"It will be, but he is the only one who can help us." I added. Hoseok hummed before hanging up. I quickly broke the sim so it won't cause more trouble. 
I had a feeling it may be Taehyung but something doesn't sit well for me. 
Wasn't he too loyal to his owners?
But then I remembered the picture he had on his phone. It was me. So was it me after all? 
Somewhere nothing sits right. I need to dig for all the answers myself. 

A few days went by and I focused on my studies while also trying to know more about premilux. Hoseok had given me a few hacking tools in my computer that practically shared their current information. 
Then I got the most awaited call. "Got him. I am sending you the location. Don't worry our call is not being traced. My sims are all private and end to end encrypted." I nodded and secretly left for the location with dad. 

Then we entered the secret lodge where Taehyung was tied on the wall, blindfolded. I knew I can talk in my original voice. After my surgery I used to try and fake my voice by sounding a little more high pitched. But now I can get back to my original voice. 

"Look whoever it is. You will have to pay for tying me like that! LET ME GO!" Taehyung thrashed. "Long time no see, Taehyung." His ears perched and his gritting expression changed to shock.
"Y-Y/n." he asked as if questioning my identity. Hoseok looked at me confused. But I looked at him nodding but with a finger on my lip. 
"I-Is it really you? Y/N?!" He asked. 
I went closer and placed my hand on his cheek. He gasped at the familiar touch. "Y/n I am on your side! Please don't misunderstand! I know I have hurt you plenty of times...but I am not with them anymore. I-I am using my knowledge of them against them. I-I...I love you Y/n. I want to be with you. But I was unable to...I saw Jungkook treat you so bad...but I was buried under them. I was just a loyal dog...but no more Y/n. Please let me see you! I am dying to see you again. PLEASE! I love you. I love you Y/n." 

Hearing his words my lips quivered in confusion, anger and pain. I couldn't control myself and held his chin harshly, "You call this love! That day years ago you were the person who brought me back to them when I was running for my life. You were the one who carried me to them and held me while they stripped away my dignity, my life, my happiness...MY EVERYTHING! I WAS ROBBED TAEHYUNG! I WAS ROBBED OF EVERYTHING. I came back with Yui...and I will always thank you for that...but what about my life. It's hell now. I am robbed of my dreams and innocence. It was better to die that day when Jungkook shot me. But here I am, struggling for revenge. Struggling to smile again. Struggling to feel safe. STRUGGLING TO BE FREE FROM THIS PAIN!" 

Taehyung's blindfold became wet as he sobbed. "Please let me make it up to you...Y/n. I will do anything to help you." 
"I know you will. That's why you will share everything that you know about Premilux and that fucking Jeon's company. I want to ruin them. DESTROY THEM." 
"Alright I will tell everything." Taehyung added making me smile in triumph. 
With that one after another Taehyung began revealing important details about the company. Everything that we noted and saved in our secret phones. 

After all was done Taehyung smiled. "Are you happy now Y/n. Do you trust me? Will you ever forgive me?" He asked. "C-Can I see you now." 

"Not now. Tomorrow. After we make sure all the things that you said are true." I added. 
We left that place after drugging Taehyung to sleep. Hoseok went back to check up on the material. That day finally I slept sound and well. 
So sound that I couldn't pick up the repeated calls of Hoseok. 

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