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Many months later

It's been a long time since that hellish day. Changing my identity was easy and now I belonged to Yui's family. Yui stayed underground as she recovered. She had woken up after 2 months but was mentally distraught and got panic attacks at time. 

She only found comfort in me and her parents. Yui's parents soon became my mama and papa. They understood and were supportive of me. Over the months I had undergone a series of plastic surgeries to change my face as much as possible to not be recognized by the Jeons or anyone for that matter. I had changed my eyes , nose and even my lips to look as different as I could without causing too much harm to my body. 

I deciding to continue my studies. I took up journalism in a university to become an influential journalist so I can expose the brothers. 

Since I had changed my identity, I had to work hard and prepared to crack the entrance exam of a national university. Mama and Papa were proud and supported me. At first they were scared I will be targeted if the Jeons know of me. But nope. They don't know me now. I don't look similar to even Yui. 

I have changed my name, my face and my entire identity. I will do everything to become a media personnel and expose them. 

Slowly Yui was recovering as I took care of her, At first it was bathing and doing all of her work while she was almost paralyzed. Later on it turned into giving her emotional support while she screamed and cried when panic set in her. 

As of now I am studying and working part time to support my education. Yui's parents adopted me but I needed to be independent and not depend on their money. Them saving me and giving me a new identity itself was a big thing for me. 

I worked part time in a super market as a sales lady. Today was a normal day as I worked in the super market. Suddenly I felt my shoulder being tapped and turned around to see Yui smiling with a mask on her chin and sunglasses on her forehead.

"Yui! What are you doing here?" I asked her surprised. I put her mask and sunglasses before removing my shawl and covering her face completely. "Stay covered dear. What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"Mom was out and I remembered you didn't take your lunch box. So I came to deliver it here." She said softly. I smiled softly and hugged her. "Thanks Yui. Wait for me, I will drop you after having lunch." I said protectively. 
I walked towards my counter where my closest friend was having his shift. "Hoseok, could you please manage my counter a bit. I will be back within 30-40 minutes." "For sure Krista." He added with a sweet smile making me smile back and come towards Yui. "Let's have lunch together Yui." I spoke taking her to a quiet corner for the staff to eat. 

As I ate I subtly saw marks on Yui's exposed neck. It always reminded me of Jungkook even when he is no more. I just wish I could erase those weeks off my head. For Yui it was harsh. Even if it was barely few days, she went through hell. 

Currently Yui is making a lot of progress and maybe she can continue on studies herself. Mom and dad wanted to change her face a bit too but her wounds were new and she had quiet a lot back then so the doctors suggested waiting for a year or two. The doctors and police tried to make a case but papa and mama knew it will only mean more mess and we have to wait till we recover properly.

Still dad is a rich man so he spoke to the police who agreed to him in fear of the Jeons. We were allowed to go abroad and live in USA with some special help. 

After we were done I took my sister outside to take her home safely. Before her face surgeries I can't leave her alone. The Jeons can be anywhere.
As we continued walking I suddenly felt Yui's hold on me tighten dramatically and her gasp. I looked at her worried. She was breathing fast and furious as she stared at a man. He had blonde hair and wore a black sunglasses with a long coat. I looked at him unable to recognize him. "Shh Yui...what's the matter?" I asked. She was shaking making me worried and I quickly took her to the side away from the sight of the man.   

"What happened Yui?" I asked trying my best to calm her as much as possible as she cried softly. Suddenly her sobs became louder making me fear. I quickly covered her mouth as I tried to make her quiet and calm her down. 

"h-he...H-He was one-One of th-them! J-J-Jimin!" She gasped loudly making my heart beat loudly as I tried to cover her mouth to get her to quit screaming. "Shhh Yui, he can hear us if we don't be careful." Tears welled in my eyes as speaking became difficult for me as well. Just the fear of returning to that cursed island is enough to send me into spirals of hell. 

"I WANT TO KILL HIM!" She cried into my palm as she thrashed around. Hoseok quickly came out hearing the noises and helped us both as he took us towards a quiet and dark corner of the shore's outside. My throat was burning as it itched to scream. "Why....WHY!" Yui cried. 
Yes, why. Why is our past coming back at us. 

"H-Hoseok, please take her home. I...I will handle the store for some time." I said blankly as he guided her while her sobs slowly died.  

I went inside and wondered about that man. Jimin was his name. Yui never mentioned his name. As some time passed, I got a customer whose order I had to ring. "Good afternoon, Thank you for shopping wi-" I stopped mid sentence as I was looked at the man in front of him. 

It was Jimin. 

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